What if I am drowning?

By Lynne Cory

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What if my possessions are taking over my life and I spend more time moving them and dusting them and they are stacking up all around me until I cannot find a place to put a pencil?  What if they are beginning to cost me money with license fees (if vehicles) or just losing me money as my valuable treasures depreciate each year because I cannot properly care for them?  What if I have not seen an empty, clean table in years?  What if I blame others for all this stuff but I never say no when it is offered?


What if I burn my judges robes?

By Lynne Cory

What if I went to a church funeral and the man sitting next to me never took off his hat and I thought he was rude?  What if he had recently had brain surgery and wanted to protect his head filled with stitches?  What if I said hi to her and she barely acknowledged me and I later found out her mom had just died and she could not respond without breaking down in tears? What if he was aged beyond his years because of alcohol and I never realized, because he was too embarrassed to speak of it, that he had been abused and neglected as a child for many years?  What if we all have stories and situations that form our actions and personalities and no one ever gets to learn the whole story?

What if we listen in silence?

What if someone is sharing information we already know? Instead of interrupting them, what if we listen in silence and really hear what they are saying. Is this an opportunity to hear a deeper part of the story? Are they lonely and need to be listened to? Are they happy; is there joy in their voice we might miss if we interrupt?


What if we bless them?

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When someone cuts us off in traffic, what if we bless them rather than show anger? What if we bless everyone we come in contact with whether they are kind to us or not so kind? What if we notice what type of difference that makes in our lives?

What if we make the choice?

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by Lynne Cory

What if some people like to travel around the country and to foreign lands to broaden their experience on the planet? What if other people do not like to travel because they feel it is too much work, a waste of time and they can get the same experience from the television travelogue?

What if everyone traveled and places became too crowded? What if no one traveled and we had limited views of other places?

What if what everyone chooses to do is perfect? What if everything is in balance?


What if they never listen?

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By Lynne Cory
What if there is someone in your life and every time you communicate with each other, you feel very frustrated because they never ask about you and your life but only blab, blab, blab on about their own life and continue to monopolize the conversation with their interests and ideas and the way they want things to be?

What if the next time, you gave them a gift and really listened to them compassionately and quietly even if you still had the desire to talk about your life?

What if they were a great teacher about listening if you want to be heard? What if they really gave you the gift?

What if once you began really listening to them, they began to ask about you?


What if I need to be sad?

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by Lynne Cory

What if we have the belief that we need to be sad when someone near us dies and we cry and lament and sit by the gravesite and visit it often and wear black and become reclusive because this is what our parents and friends and neighbors and movies and the shows on TV all do and we do not know any other way?

What if we were sad for ourselves for a brief while because we missed this physical person in our life and then we became happy for them as they were following their path to their next destination and we remembered them with a big smile?


What if I learned something?

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by Lynne Cory

What if in every situation in my life (an angry fight with another, a scary money shortage, a big disappointment at work, a devastating loss of mate, a rejection from my family member) I asked myself, “What am I to learn from this?”

What if everything is in perfect order for my lessons and growth?


What if I have a garden?

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by Lynne Cory

What if I have a garden and in my garden is a huge, strong, majestic oak tree which spreads its branches widely and gives comforting shade to all who pass? What if there is also a rose bush with its prickly thorns which shares its sweet fragrance each time I pass by? And what if over there are the delicate Narcissus which herald the Spring season with their pretty blossoms and then are gone and in that corner is the stately magnolia filled with enormous flowers that fill my hand? What if all together this is a magnificent place where I come to sit and enjoy and I receive something from each different plant?

What if in my life, I have a friend who is always strong and stable and another who has some negative traits but a gentle heart and another who is shy and quiet but a gentle listener and another who requires much attention but gives back 10-fold?

What if I got mad at the oak tree because it did not give me huge flowers or angry at the rose because it did not provide enough shade? What if I appreciated all of my friends for their unique assets to my life and did not want them to be what they were not?


What if I want unconditional love?

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By Lynne Cory

What if I wanted unconditional love from my partner (perhaps I was not loved unconditionally as a child and I need it now) and I thought the best way to receive this love was to be bossy and mean and demanding to get what I needed?

What if the BEST way to receive this was to give my partner unconditional love and compassion and as their cup filled to the brim, they could begin to fill my cup?

What if I fed what I wanted to be fed?            Connie


What if the messages are there?

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By Lynne Cory

What if we got up in the morning and asked our inner selves for clear messages to help guide us through our day?

What if we only have to wait and watch, with awareness, for these answers and pay attention, as they come in many forms: perhaps something in a book or on TV or in a phone call?

I was wondering if we should move to another city or stay where we are in our comfortable home of many years. At that moment my daughter called and said she was stuck at DMV and could I zoom across town and pick up my grandson from school. I love that wonderful boy and I was able to be there on time as he walked out of class and there was my answer, stay in this town for a few more years.

What if receiving a message is as easy as that?


What if a broken heart can be a blessing?

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By Lynne Cory

What if a broken heart is a first step toward an open heart?

What if a heart can be broken by disappointment or loss or heart surgeries?

What if the cracks in a broken heart can begin to let the healing, loving light inside if we just allow it?       Connie

What if this is VERY hard for us but actually an important way to move us forward toward love and light?


What if my thoughts are powerful?

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By Lynne Cory

What if my thoughts are very powerful?

What if my thoughts about people and situations are “way” more than equal to my speaking voice?

What if what I think about you is far more important than what I say to you?

What if loving, compassionate, encouraging, kind, helpful thoughts pull people toward us?

What if angry, frustrated, annoyed, negative, mean thoughts push other people away from us?

What if it was fun to watch a person speaking and observe if they were drawing or repelling people to see how they were really thinking?                   Connie


What if I do my best?

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By Lynne Cory

What if each day I do my best to be thoughtful and loving and encouraging and compassionate and easy to be around?
What if there are some days when I fall off my path and become angry and argumentative or judgmental and frustrated?
What if I forgive myself for my humanness, dust myself off and continue moving forward, knowing that I have a bit more to learn about myself?

What if we imagine something nice?

By Lynne Cory

Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if this week we make a special effort to quietly notice something good in every person we encounter and even if we do not know them we “imagine” something nice?

What if I notice that you have the most beautiful eyes, you have amazing handwriting,
your choice of clothing and color is quite tasteful, your speaking voice is so soothing,
his loving actions with his children are a delight to watch, she is so kind to her mom and dad, her helpfulness is appreciated by her neighbors, his loving advice is empowering to all near him, what a great business mind she has, such patience with others, he is fortunate to speak two languages, her smile is contagious, he is able to cry which helps others to feel their feelings, he is such a hard working person, he has astonishing musical ability, she is so sweet and gentle with animals, you are doing the absolute best that you can.

What if it fades away?

By Lynne Cory

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What if, in this century, all things not done in integrity will soon fade away?

What if I am observing others doing things with little integrity and still succeeding?

What if I do not judge them or gossip about them or get angry with them or wish them bad luck but just bless them and within a few years I find that things are a bit difficult for them and their success has waned – or not?

What if my only job is to live my life with integrity?                            Marilyn

What if I want to climb Mount Whitney?

By Lynne Cory

Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if some people like calm experiences such as reading and gentle walking and meditating and gardening and visiting quietly with friends?

What if some people like exciting experiences such as hang-gliding or bungee jumping or sailing on stormy days or racing cars or exotic dancing or bicycling and running full speed?

What if I am hang-gliding over the mountains and I spot you meditating on a rock below and feel sorry that you cannot see what I see? What if I am down here in deep thought seeing something I wish you could see?

What if it is all perfect and diversity was the secret to enjoyable living?

What if I don’t like the way you do that?

By Lynne Cory

Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if I see all of my imperfections in my mate or my friends as they are holding up a mirror for me? What if I see you as bossy or controlling or lazy or angry or critical?

What if everything I criticized or judged about you was in me or I would not be able to see it in you?

What if all the good and generous and helpful and kind and loving and compassionate characteristics I love about you are also in me?

What if LOVE is the answer?

By Lynne Cory

Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if most illnesses could be cured by love of self?  If I loved myself purely, I would appreciate my wonderful body,  eat good food, gently exercise my beautiful body, allow it to rest when tired, remove myself from toxic situations, find laughter and love each day and have a knowing that all is well.  What if when these loving practices became a habit, I could achieve all of my desires effortlessly?  What if then illness had no place to latch onto?

What if they call me a hoarder?

By Lynne Cory

Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if I was the older brother and my younger siblings were allowed to play with and break all my toys?  What if another person went to prison and was never allowed to have personal belongings?  What if they both became hoarders but when they found the reason why we’re slowly able to release the need for so much stuff?