What if we imagine something nice?

By Lynne Cory

Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if this week we make a special effort to quietly notice something good in every person we encounter and even if we do not know them we “imagine” something nice?

What if I notice that you have the most beautiful eyes, you have amazing handwriting,
your choice of clothing and color is quite tasteful, your speaking voice is so soothing,
his loving actions with his children are a delight to watch, she is so kind to her mom and dad, her helpfulness is appreciated by her neighbors, his loving advice is empowering to all near him, what a great business mind she has, such patience with others, he is fortunate to speak two languages, her smile is contagious, he is able to cry which helps others to feel their feelings, he is such a hard working person, he has astonishing musical ability, she is so sweet and gentle with animals, you are doing the absolute best that you can.