What if I am not from here?

By Lynne Cory

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What if most of us have migrated from other planets and galaxies to help with the transition of Mother Earth?

What if that is the reason we gravitate towards a few others in a crowded room of strangers, because we are from the same home turf ?

What if it had a “ripple” effect?

By Lynne Cory

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What if I helped one person feel better about themselves with a smile or an encouraging word or a listening ear and because they felt better they were able to help a few other people feel better and then each of those people was able to help a few others and so on and so on and so on?

What if this one kind action could ricochet into the lives of 1000 people?

What if the smallest kindness can have enormous consequences on our planet, perhaps even saving a life?

What if a smile is the best accessory?

By Lynne Cory

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What if the statement, “You are never fully dressed until you are wearing a smile,” is true?

What if Molly has on the finest clothing and shoes and jewelry but a grouchy, arrogant, miserable face to go with this ensemble?

What if Paul has on worn out, shabby clothing and a loving warm smile to top it off? Who is the better dressed on the planet?              Sue

What if some men like men?

By Lynne Cory

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Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if some men like men? What if some women like women? What if some men like women and some women like men and some people like both?

What if some people like cats? What if some people like dogs? What if some people like cats and dogs?

What if everything was just fine and there was nothing to judge?

What if I only spoke kindness?

By Lynne Cory

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What if I make a conscious effort that from this day forward I will not say or listen to any negative word about another person?

What if this past negativity has left me with a dirty and nauseous feeling? What if I chance to be in the presence of gossiping people, and I choose to say that I do not see it that way or else change the subject and ask if they have a good recipe for cheesecake or remove myself from the area for awhile?

What if it is not up to me to judge another but it is up to me to choose what I say and hear? What if now that I am aware of this lesson, none of it will be an issue anymore?

What if you believe you have to “toil” from dawn til dusk?

By Lynne Cory

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What if you have a belief that it takes hard work to make enough money to support yourself on this planet?

What if you spent your workday figuring and refiguring your weekly take home pay and knew exactly how many minutes you had to work to purchase something? What if you never gave your employer an extra minute because you were filled with fear and needed to be paid for every second?

What if because you believed that way, you always had to work hard and were often a little short on money?

What if you begin to believe that you are always taken care of? What if now you are?

What if we have a childhood trauma?

By Lynne Cory

Childhood Trauma

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What if the majority of us have had a childhood trauma or drama, perhaps a rejection or abandonment or loss, that we have lived with for many years and this issue has become our story and influenced our life and held us back from being our BEST authentic person?

What if we just breathed and allowed ourselves to let it go and thanked it for the experience because it has helped form who we are today and then spoke or thought of it no more and focused on today and stayed in the present moment and began to see and appreciate what a marvelous person we really are and how blessed we are to have our life?

What if I am doing a little better?

By Lynne Cory

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What if this year I focused on doing a little better than last year at this time? What if I watched a little less TV and read fewer newspapers until they can focus on something other than fear, gossip and the need for the consumption of products they are trying to convince me that I desperately need to make myself happier????

What if I recycled a little more, used a little less gasoline, water and electricity, decluttered my mind and living space a little more, enjoyed a little more quiet time and shared a little more of my time and talents with others?

What if next year, I used even less of the resources on our planet?

What if Mother Earth still wants me to enjoy my experience on the planet and have everything that I want?

What if it was about my motive?

By Lynne Cory

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What if it was all about my motive as I went through my day?

What if my intention was about greedily trying to get something from you, or what if I was truly encouraging your dreams? What if I was about putting you down, or what if I was lifting up your spirits with a kind word? Am I being  jealous of your accomplishments or am I being proud of your successes? Am I wishing you well or trying to trip you up or laughing at you behind your back or sharing a healing smile?

Remember, everything I wish for you, I receive also.

What if an angel dropped by?

By Lynne Cory

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What if a customer stopped by our business and he was rude, curt, abrupt, sarcastic, pushy, nasty and really trying to pick a fight?

What if we continued to be pleasant and did not engage and did our absolute best to meet his requests?

What if he finally finished his transactions and frustratedly walked out the door because no one would fight with him?

What if he was an angel testing us on how much anger we still had inside us and we passed the test because we did not get angry back?

What if I am taking a shower?

By Lynne Cory

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What if I have the belief that when I take a shower I have the ability to wash away all of the dirt from my body as well as the negativity and sadness from my soul and my aura? What if I watch the water wash down my body and circle into the drain and when I step out of the shower I am a shiny, clean, new person ready for an exciting day and a fresh experience?

What if I cleared newly purchased items?

By Lynne Cory

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What if whenever I purchased an item to bring into my home, I cleared or blessed it to release any sadness, worry, stress or exhaustion that may have been infused into this product from the people creating it? What if the people making this product are often underpaid, overworked and sometimes abused and that energy stays in the product?

What if someday the majority of us could actually feel this energy and decided to avoid purchasing these products until the people making them were treated fairly and humanely as all souls deserve to be treated?                                       Connie


What if my hair was a mess?

By Lynne Cory

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What if this morning as I was fixing my hair, it just went in all the wrong ways and looked such a mess that I did not even want to go outside?

What if I was preparing to take my good friend to her first day of chemotherapy? What if because of the chemo she could potentially lose all of her hair in an effort to save her life?

What if what she was facing made me appreciate that I even had hair and put what is really important in perspective?



What if someone is very controlling?

By Lynne Cory

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What if I am in a group where there is a person who wants to control the entire situation from where everyone must sit, to what we will all have for lunch, to what the subject of conversation will be and when and where we will meet the next time?

What if this drives me crazy and makes me angry?  What if I might be a bit controlling also? What if I am wanting to control a controller?

What if this does not bother me and I just observe the controller and the situation with a slight smile and quietly decide if I want to experience this again?


What if hair loss is a belief?

By Lynne Cory

What if as I was sitting at the foot of my good friend during her chemo treatment, the thought came to me: could hair loss during chemo be just a belief?

What if we were told by our doctors and nurses and pharmacists, who were trying to be helpful and informative, that we would surely lose our hair, and so after chemo we kept checking our head throughout the following weeks and each time we saw a strand fall out, which might be just natural, we knew it was coming?

What if because we focused so much on our hair loss and got scared of it happening and tightened up our scalp in fear that we actually created this loss?

What if we just could not get on top of this long-standing belief and our hair fell out?

What if we relaxed and focused on something that brought us joy and happiness and appreciation of our life?

What if you are clutching tightly?

By Lynne Cory

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What if you find yourself clutching tightly to something or someone that you fear will go away if you let go?

What if because your grip is so strong, you crush what you were trying to hold on to?

What if because you are holding on so tightly, you are unable to open your hand to receive anything else?

What if when you release your grip, the thing you were holding falls away and soon you are able to hold something even better?

What if it is all about trusting that whatever you need is there for you to have?

What if I chose the hard way?

by Lynne Cory

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What if someone we know has gone in a hard direction and gotten themselves into some bad trouble and is struggling right now?

What if instead of talking with others about their poor choices or pitying them, we send them love and compassion and friendship and hope?

What if we visualize them under a golden spotlight every time we think of them so they could see their path more clearly and find their way more easily?

What if we knew they were on their perfect Divine path for their highest learning in this lifetime and that everything is as it should be?

What if I went to a party?

By Lynne Cory

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What if I went to a loving family gathering and overheard a person bad-mouthing someone that I love?

What if I wanted to hurry over to some of the other people at the party and begin bad-mouthing that “bad” bad-mouther but as I was on my way to begin this, I caught myself and thought, “I will then be the same as the person I am annoyed with,” and I changed my thinking and went on to have a good and positive time?

What if I become forgiving?

By Lynne Cory

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What if forgiving you frees me?

What if because I am angry with you, I stay all tied up in your energy and every time I talk or think about the situation, I recreate it and get mad all over again and eventually begin to make myself ill?

What if I could accept the concept that I am creating my life and all the experiences in it, to learn about myself? What if these frustrating people who come into my life are really great teachers and how can I stay mad at a teacher?

What is my natural state?

By Lynne Cory

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What if it is our natural state to be happy and have an enjoyable life?

What if we are the ones who cover this up with our sadness, disappointment, worry, fear, greed, stress or anger?

What if I cannot be happy and sad at the same time and I “pick” happy?

What if we release all of this competition and striving and negativity and just enjoy our time here?

What if we create the other side too?

By Lynne Cory

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What if I believe that I create my life and my world on this side of the veil with my thoughts and beliefs?

What if when I die, I continue to create how my afterlife will be?  What if those who believe in heaven and hell will create a heaven and hell for themselves? What if those who believe that this will be the end will create the end for themselves? What if those who believe that life will be a continuance of here will create a similar experience of here?

What if there was a new law in the Universe?

By Lynne Cory

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What if it became a universal law that when a person was running for office and they degraded their opponent, he or she would be immediately disqualified from running?

What if this new way of doing things made them as well as all of the voters focus on the good things that each had done and the great things they hoped to achieve and because of this focus, more good was done?

What if my significant other is driving me crazy?

By Lynne Cory

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What if I have a spouse, a child, a co-worker or a friend who is DRIVING ME CRAZY with some of their “awful” personal characteristics?

What if I sit down and make a list all of their negative qualities and then look at the list and go, “OH NO” because I also have these same qualities?

What if I list all of their positive qualities and then see that I have the same positive qualities?

What if I realized that I could not see a quality in another if I did not have that quality in myself?

What if I loved myself?

By Lynne Cory

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What if, as my dear friend, I treated you with respect and dignity and honor and did all that I could to make your life happy and fun and put your needs on top priority and admired your achievements and nurtured and encouraged your goals and soothed your pain and listened to your desires and really loved and cared for you?

What if I did the same for myself and made myself my best friend?

What if I met a homeless person?

By Lynne Cory

What if when you look into the eyes of a homeless person asking for money on the sidewalk, you are actually looking into the eyes of one who is here to teach compassion? What if you could bless them as you pass even if you have nothing to give but a smile or a good wish?

Homeless woman (courtesy of PhotoBucket

Homeless woman (courtesy of PhotoBucket

A woman recently came to me in a supermarket parking lot and I thought she wanted my basket but when I looked into her clear blue eyes, I knew she wanted money. As I gave her some, I told her that she was an angel who had come to help me appreciate my life even more. I told her that we could very easily be in each others shoes, me asking her for help. We hugged and I felt like I was walking on clouds all day.

What a gift she gave me.

What if the cook’s mom died?

By Lynne Cory

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What if the waitress just had a fight with her boyfriend and she is still furious? What if the cook’s mom just died and he is filled with grief? What if the hostess cannot pay her bills and she is racked with fear? What if all of these emotions go into the food we are being served at the restaurant?

What if before we begin eating our meal, we bless the food and ask that only the food that is for our bodies’ highest good be absorbed and the rest be easily eliminated?       Dr Ciri

What if there was no parking?

By Lynne Cory

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What if I had planned for weeks to go with some friends from out of town to a beautiful location, and when we arrived there was nowhere to park and we drove in circles for awhile but a parking space never became available?

What if instead of getting angry or frustrated, we knew that the Universe was leading us to another location that was even a better place to enjoy and spend our time?

What if we listened and had a marvelous day filled with laughter, love and good food at the new surprise location?                                       

Marilyn and Joeaux

What if someone stole your money?

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By Lynne Cory

What if you have friends who have had their company’s money embezzled by an employee yet they did nothing about it and you wondered why they would just fire the employee and not prosecute them so that the employee would not do this to someone else?

What if I now have someone in my business embezzle a lot of money?

What if I realize that this was an experience that I created to learn to speak up for myself, to listen to my intuition and to not take the easy way out but take command of my life?

What if I fired her, went to the police, hired an attorney and spent a lot of money but nothing ever happened to her?

What if this person was an angel, teaching a class, who helped us be more aware and drew the rest of the company into a tight bond?