What if he lives in 40-room house?

By Lynne Cory

What if his company is raking in money and he is sharing it fairly with his many employees and all are living well and the business grows because of the high vibration?

What if her company is doing well and she lives grandly and pays all of her employees just over the minimum wage and they are all struggling and her greed is creating a great Karma?

What if she needs a hobby?

By Lynne Cory

What if you constantly speak of your pains and illnesses until we are all yawning? What if you need to be acknowledged and that is all you have of interest to share? What if because you are so needy, we eventually all back away because we don’t have enough dirt to fill that empty hole? What if the loneliness forces you to shift?

What if Karma is just vibrations matching?

By Lynne Cory

What if you steal from him and put yourself in the stealing vibration and then thieves are drawn to you and steal your stuff?

What if you give to others and are in the generous vibration and draw many generous people around you who give you more stuff?

What if you are distrustful of others and with your vibration, people cheat you?

What if we are loving and forgiving and find ourselves surrounded by gentle, kind people?

What if fixing one will fix the other?

By Lynne Cory

What if his father continually criticizes him about everything he does until it almost drives him mad?  What if he criticizes his girlfriend about her job search, her car choice, her political views and her clothing choice until she wants to run for the door?

What if he began to see the positive traits and loving heart of his girlfriend and soon his father began to see all of the good qualities that he had?

What if my boss is really stupid?

By Lynne Cory

What if I work at a place where no one knows what they are doing and everyone is just a moron?

What if I quit and go to work at another place and find the people to be the same way?

What if the common denominator is me and I take myself with me wherever I go and I always get what I focus on?

What if I started to notice a few of the “correct” things my fellow employees were doing?

What if Mother Earth is smiling?

By Lynne Cory

What if for years, mankind has been destroying and polluting our planet.  What if little groups of people all over the planet are beginning to band together to assist Earth in reverting to her former glory?  What if they are raising the vibration for the greater good of mankind?  What if the percentage of these small bright lights soon outnumbers the destroyers?  What if each day life improves?

What if I twisted it at both ends?

By Lynne Cory

What if I have an amusing process that seems to work? What if when someone is giving me a problem, I imagine a fine mesh, golden, tubelike net coming down over the top of them which I twist at the bottom to contain their energy. Then whatever they try to spew at me bounces right back onto them as it can not get past the net?

What if you need to ask my permission first?

By Lynne Cory

What if we have control issues because it makes us feels safe?  What if I get angry at you for doing it your way because my sense of control is threatened?  What if it is OK to guide another or advise when they ask but when anger comes up, I notice that I am deep in my issue?  What if I can tell if I have released this issue when I can allow everyone their own choices?