By Lynne Cory

Copyright: frugo / 123RF Stock Photo
What if when we are in the presence of an evil person, a bad feeling washes over us?
What if our energy begins to flow downward when near this person and we become tired?
Connie Jackson
By Lynne Cory
Copyright: frugo / 123RF Stock Photo
What if when we are in the presence of an evil person, a bad feeling washes over us?
What if our energy begins to flow downward when near this person and we become tired?
Connie Jackson
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if I do not have to always know WHAT is coming next?
Copyright: chainat / 123RF Stock Photo
By Lynne Cory
What “if you look for the bad in people expecting to find it, you surely will”?
Abraham Lincoln
Copyright: fuittomas / 123RF Stock Photo
By Lynne Cory
What if he is still furious about how he was abused or disrespected as a boy and today takes out his hatred and anger on other races and religions and political people?
What if it has nothing to do with them?
Copyright: mukhina1 / 123RF Stock Photo
By Lynne Cory
What if every time you meet new people, you have an opportunity to learn something new about yourself? Kay Pollack/Swedish film director/Facebook
Copyright: atlantisfoto / 123RF Stock Photo
By Lynne Cory
What if I see you struggling with another and I surround you both with a loving, sparkly, fluorescent pink light?
Copyright: tackgalichstudio / 123RF Stock Photo
By Lynne Cory
What if expecting results for good works in your lifetime is a kind of selfishness? You need to detach from that expectation and just do what it is you are doing.
The Dalai Lama
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if I have some classic and expensive clothing that no longer fits and I keep it with the hope that someday, I can fit into it again?
What if years go by and I have not returned to that past weight and I am disappointed with myself?
What if I give it all away and allow someone else the enjoyment while the clothing is still in style and now my closet is spacious?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright: / 123RF Stock Photo
What I was searching for something and it was nowhere to be found? What if “subconsciously” I said to myself before I started looking, “This is something I want to keep track of and I had better be sure it does not get lost,” and I set it up to be out of my sight wherever I looked?
What if I waited a little while and thought, “It will show up at the perfect time,” and relaxed and it did appear?
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By Lynne Cory
What if there are NO places of punishment after we die?
What if this was all invented by men to control people and make them do things their way?
Copyright: honzik7 / 123RF Stock Photo
By Lynne Cory
What if I am accumulating a large family of animals that I love and care for with tenderness and joy?
What if in a past life, I was responsible for the death of many animals and I am giving back today?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright: denis83 / 123RF Stock Photo
What if when I am centered everyone will love me, my life will run smoothly, I will feel great and I can allow you to be who you are without interference or judgment?
What if, when I am not centered, I need to fix you to make me feel better?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright: jk1991 / 123RF Stock Photo
What if I am worrying that my older parents don’t have much time left and I “should” do more with them?
What if they lived a lot longer and I have wasted precious time worrying when I could have enjoyed it?
What if they were happy with their life and knew I loved them dearly and were fine without me underfoot 24/7?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright: robodread / 123RF Stock Photo
What if cruel thoughts aimed at another person could hurt them more than a punch to their head?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright: robodread / 123RF Stock Photo
What if there are people in the world just looking for a fight and trying to set others up by cutting in line, being exceptionally rude to employees or waite staff, standing too close in line, speaking extra loudly on the phone or complaining bitterly when it is really the incompetence of the angry one that is causing the problem? What if they dangle that fishing hook until someone grabs on and then the fight is on? What if that person is on the same vibration of anger? What if not engaging only makes them madder? What if I quietly watch them fizzle out?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright: sudok1 / 123RF Stock Photo
What if the son criticizes his father and the father criticizes his son? What if they are showing each other the anger inside them? What if they are mirrors of each other, neither seeing their magnificence? What if as long as he focuses on the other, he cannot see the brilliance in himself? What if they are both loving and tender with animals?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright: parys / 123RF Stock Photo
What if I divorce my husband because he does not make me happy and put all of the blame on him? What if I remarry and the same disappointing thing happens? What if I do not work on myself and find that over and over again, others do not make me happy? What if the others are mirroring me? What if working on your faults will not help me heal? What if this is my lesson and I need to take the responsibility to make myself happy?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright: iguanasbear / 123RF Stock Photo
What if I am very concerned over a situation and imagined a large vacuum hose coming down from the cosmos, attached it to my head, turned it on and asked that all worry and fear be removed into the universe? What if after a while I could actually feel this darkness being removed from all parts of my body?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright: iguanasbear / 123RF Stock Photo
What if our government continually tries to control us by telling us there is no life on other planets and extra-terrestrials never visit Earth? What if they do their best to make people look insane who have seen things not from here? What if our government is “Jonnie-on-the-spot” when it comes to destroying any physical evidence of their visit? What if many Earthlings have actually been threatened, tortured or disappeared if they won’t tell it like the government wants it to looks? What if the Universe is watching?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright: parys / 123RF Stock Photo
What if you acknowledged your body as perfect because this is how your family looks? What if the buffalo did not go on an extreme diet and try to look like the deer or the deer eat tons of carbs and sweets to look like the buffalo? What if you pre-chose this body for your highest growth? What if you took good care of your amazing body and appreciated it for housing your soul?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright: azesm178 / 123RF Stock Photo
What if my friend always goes to a restaurant and asked for water with NO ice and NO lemon (please put in on the side) and he then tells his dining associate to watch how his water shows up? What if it always comes with ice and lemon because the universe does not hear NO and so neither can the server? What if he is getting exactly what he is requesting?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright: photozi / 123RF Stock Photo
What if a heartfelt smile to another can raise their vibration and perhaps subtly change the course of their day? What if they are struggling and just this small gesture can give them a rope to hold on to?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if instead of reading the many fine books on how to live my life written by amazingly talented people, I began to sit in meditation and use my inner guidance for a personalized lesson on my life?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright: sculler / 123RF Stock Photo
What if I used all of my savings to help others and there was nothing left but I trusted that more would come?
What if money is like the ocean waves, they come and they go and they do not stop?
What if the more I gave without expectation, the more that would be returned to me?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if eating animals keeps us in a lower vibration?
What if we ate more vegetables and nuts and seeds and watched our vibration rise?
What if the fruits and nuts have feelings too?
What if whatever we choose is OK?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright: dnfstyle / 123RF Stock Photo
What if he thought that by expressing his opinions he was debating with others but actually he was orating “to” them because he only could hear his own opinion?
What if he wondered why people rapidly excused themselves when he began speaking?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright: paunovic / 123RF Stock Photo
What if the universe presented me with a challenge and I reacted inappropriately? What if they will now present it in a new and more challenging way? What if they really want me to get the lesson and pass the text for my highest growth? What if this is never a punishment? What if I get as many DO OVERS as I need and once I see the lesson, it vanishes?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright: amasterpics123 / 123RF Stock Photo
What if I have the choice to choose whether to reincarnate after I die? What if I am done with living in a human body with all of the lessons and growth it brings and want to float around on the other side in lightness for a few 1000 years? What if I can learn my soul lessons more quickly in a physical body? What if my soul never dies and I have until eternity and beyond to get it all done? What if there is no getting it all done?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright: iguanasbear / 123RF Stock Photo
What if there are two symptoms of enlightenment toward a higher consciousness. The first is that I stop worrying and things do not bother me anymore and I become light hearted and full of joy. The second is that I encounter more meaningful coincidences and more syncronicities to the point of experiencing the miraculous. Deepak Chopra
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By Lynne Cory
What if a wise man never knows it all, and only a fool knows everything? African Proverb