What if it will get here at the right time?

By Lynne Cory

What if I want something very badly and keep praying and hoping and wishing it would come?  What if I got very angry that my desire is not appearing?  What if I went into a restaurant and ordered a steak sandwich and then demanded it be served in 5 minutes but the chef knew just the right time to serve it? What if the universe knows what I want and is waiting for the perfect moment to present it?

What if her frown turned upside down?

By Lynne Cory

What if I watch sadly as she finds the worst in every situation and notice that she is beginning to make herself chronically sick?

What if she is invested in her misery and can only see sadness and worry everywhere she looks? What if we get what we expect, so she is never disappointed?

What if as I am noticing her misery, I am just like her – noticing misery? I get what I expect so I am never disappointed.

What if I see her glorious and happy and send love and joy her way?

What if she can no longer be around me as our vibrations are so different?

What if “they” are trying to help me?

By Lynne Cory

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What if the Universe can see around the corner and knows what is the best way for me to go to get to my desired destination?

What if I am headed in the wrong direction and it gives me me a little nudge, and then a poke and then a hard push (maybe a slight illness) and finally a punch (a serious accident) and it continues to get worse until I begin to listen? Maybe I never listen and die?



What if they changed their focus?

By Lynne Cory

What if the “newscasters” begin to realize that their following is drastically declining and discover that many of us are tired of their negativity filled with fear?

What if for their “bottom line” they decide to start introducing more heartwarming stories and after awhile we begin to drift back to hear what they are saying?

What if I failed at the Post Office?

By Lynne Cory                                        True Story

What if I rushed into the post office to ask for the mail in my post office box which I have had for 30 years and found myself fifth in line? At the counter was a rather raggedy looking, 30’ish woman attempting to mail two letters that seemed very important for 75 cents each, but she had no money and was asking them to use her credit card which would not go through for $1.50 so she asked to try two separate transactions but even at 75 cents there was no success and she left feeling embarrassed and disappointed. What if I just stood there like a dummy when I could have run to my car and easily gotten $1.50 to help her?

What if all of us that day were in the presence of an angel testing our compassion and kindness and we all failed?


What if the wind was bending me sideways?

By Lynne Cory

What if it is better to speak up for myself and not just allow the wind (life) to blow me in any direction?

What if I don’t speak up and all of my fears come true?

What if once I have the courage to speak up for myself, the issues dissolve like a veil of smoke because speaking up was the lesson I was to learn and once the lesson is learned, it is almost done?

What if her hands “overflowed” with stuff?

By Lynne Cory

What if there are some people who will take and take and take and never even think about giving back, walking around taking from everyone with no guilt?

What if giving feels good and then one day it does not?

What if these takers are angels teaching me boundaries and when to say “enough is enough”?

What if I “wave” it in your face?

By Lynne Cory

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What if I check my motives when I want to do or obtain something? Do I want it because it will make ME happy or because it will make me feel “equal to you” or because you will be so jealous when you see me with it?

What if I focus on what I want for myself and leave others’ opinions out of the equation?

What if you cannot change me?

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By Lynne Cory

What if I refuse to allow another person to try and make me who I am not and instead focus on who I am?

What if you are rude but I stay respectful? What if you are cranky but I remain kind? What if you are controlling but I allow you your control and continue on with my way? What if you are fearful but I continue to be hopeful?

What if my life is about me and how I live it?

What if we have an expiration date?

By Lynne Cory

15311751_sWhat if all of us had an invisible expiration date which we subconsciously knew?

What if we set this date before we came onto the planet by accomplishments achieved or a maximum pain level we would tolerate?

What if because of this date, some of our healthiest friends died young while others who had many serious illnesses or traumas throughout their lives or those who abused and neglected themselves lived a long, long life?

What if this was all perfect and pre-planned by us?