What if I shunned you?

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By Lynne Cory

What if shunning is a very cruel way that some societies use to control their followers and some of them are running away from the meanness? What if many of the rules maintain an orderliness that the people like?

What if one day, an angel whispered into the ear of the leader and suggested he try compassion and to lighten up on the rules and he did and his followers were happier and their numbers grew?

What if I own a landscape yard?

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By Lynne Cory

What if I own a landscape yard and a well-dressed customer comes in driving their new shiny car and purchases a product for one of their many rental properties?

What if they ask for the cheapest product and then still haggle more for the biggest discount?

What if they call later and say their order was short and want a refund of some money?

What if this is how they get through their life by scamming other people?

What if their order really was short and I give them the benefit of the doubt and refund their money and let the Universe shake out the details at a later time?

What if I cannot see the BIG picture?

By Lynne Cory

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What if person #1 murdered person #2 in this lifetime but in a past lifetime #2 had poisoned #1 and they both needed to see what a victim and a victimizer feels like?

What if someone embezzled a lot of money from me in this lifetime but in a past lifetime they had helped me get to the financial top and I had never looked back with so much as a dollar or a thank you?

What if everything going on, on our planet, is in perfect order for our highest growth but we are limited to just seeing this lifetime?

What if he froze?

By Lynne Cory

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What if I have a friend who is behind on his house payment as well as his car payment and is frozen in fear so that all he does is waste his days with the computer and TV?

What if he calls me to talk about his situation and all I can do is listen?

What if I am current with my house and car payment but know there must be a vibration of fear in me somewhere also or we would not connect?

What if I have a vacation home in the mountains?

By Lynne Cory

What if every spare moment, I rush to my special place in the desert or by the sea or high in the mountains and when I retire, I rush to live there permanently?  What if this place brings me comfort and peace but I do not know why?  What if my happiest past life was at a similar location and my soul memory finds comfort there?

What if she could not stop it?

By Lynne Cory

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What if during an hour wait, an intelligent lady sat down next to me and talked and talked and talked and whenever I started to interject a word she disagreed and talked on until I resigned myself to simply listening?  What if instead of judging her, I felt compassion as I sat quietly.  What if I did her a favor of sorting situations out in her life?  What if she gave me a big hug when I left?

What if I do not need a memory stick?

By Lynne Cory 

What if my new way of communicating has 100 trillion-gadzillion gigs of memory which will last for 10000 years and never needs to be replaced?  What if this is possible today but having us buy all of the little adapters and plugs and storage gizzies and updates and the latest shapes and colors and styles brings in a LOT of money for the big companies?

What if she did it anyway?

By Lynne Cory

What if I went to a family gathering and specifically told a lady that I did not want photos posted on Facebook because of personal reasons?  What if I shared them with her at her request and then woke up to find she had posted them anyway?  What if I kindly asked her to unpost but after a few hours see they are still there?  What if she is showing me I have control issues?  What if she is just a jerk who will not be invited back?  What if I just observe and let the situation play out?  What if I worked on raising my vibration and then the photos vanished?  What if this is all about me?  What if her husband did the posting?


What if I have a new doctor?

By Lynne Cory

What if in the near future, I can hold my phone to any part of my body and what is wrong will show up on the screen?  What if in a short moment, the cure will next be shown?  What if my phone is connected to a large, full service store and that afternoon the proper food, medications and herbs and oils will arrive?  What if my job is now to use them?

What if she had a big garage sale?

By Lynne Cory

What if in decades past, we spent lots of money and time accumulating vast amounts of treasures and places to house these treasures and they began to take us over?  Perhaps because of earlier poverty or ego.  What if many enlightened people are now in the process of de-manifesting and finding it a tiresome job as well? What if less is becoming more?

What if I only want to carry my basket ?

By Lynne Cory

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What if I found that I was terrified and asked if it was my terror and found that it was not? What if I am carrying the emotion of others and it was affecting me in a negative way? What if I thanked this terror for showing itself, saw a magnetic hooded robe over my body that absorbed all of this terror and once it was all gathered, imagined a hook coming down from the Universe and lifting the cloak of fear away?  Then I might fill myself with light, love and compassion and continue on with my amazing life.

What if I demand the hamburger before it is fully cooked?

By Lynne Cory

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What if the cook knows just how long it takes to create the perfect meal and if I become impatient and demand it be served before it is ready, I will not get the best meal and may even make myself sick?  What if the Universe know just when to deliver my desire and if I try to rush the process, I will probably be unhappy with the results? What if I become patient?

What if the grass is green on my side of the fence?

By Lynne Cory

What if our company of 40 years is being moved by a road widening and it is not going smoothly and taking far longer than expected and all who work here are terrified for different reasons?  What if all around us are others suffering from cancers and heart attacks and strokes and premature babies and gall stone attacks and tumors, etc.  What if in the Big picture, health is far scarier than finance and we are very fortunate to have this lesson?  What if we appreciated our health and knew that everything with our business move will be OK?

What if there is no wasted time?

By Lynne Cory

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What if I am working diligently on my project or idling away my day accomplishing little, in my opinion?  What if whatever path I take will always lead me to my goal of growth?  What if my soul will grow if I am out doing charitable acts for humanity or sitting on the sofa drinking a beer?  What if I am always learning?

What if I am not alone?

By Lynne Cory

What if I had a dangerous heart attack and almost died and when I was unconscious another soul entered my body and braided with my energy and now I am confused and conflicted?  What if it is now my choice whether to ask the soul to leave, continue with this braided experience or leave and allow the new soul to continue living in my body?  What if this can happen in other instances such as drug or alcohol overdoses or tragic accidents? What if many of my tastes change?