What if I cannot see you?

By Lynne Cory

Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if there are civilizations on other planets but they inhabit the inner core of the planet so we cannot see them and thus feel that the planet is uninhabited?

What if there are millions of species on other planets as well as here but their vibrations are different and we cannot see them just as we cannot see air or electricity?

What if I don’t want to do the dishes?

By Lynne Cory

Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if I find myself procrastinating and just cannot even force myself to do what I feel I “should” be doing?

What if procrastinating is actually OK because the timing for the project is not correct and if I force myself to do it, it will not go easily and will drain my energy? What if I just wait awhile or a day or two and then “zoom zoom,” I get the energy to do it and the project flows effortlessly because now the timing is correct?

What if I cannot seem to get the energy to do anything, might I be depressed and need to look into that?


What if he wants to go door to door?

By Lynne Cory

Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if Nancy is doing something that Tom feels is not correct and Tom wants to start a petition against Nancy and get the community involved?

What if pushing against something only draws more of the same to us and Tom would be better off by either helping to figure out a solution or waiting and watching and allowing the Universe to orchestrate what is best for all?

What if I only spoke kindness?

By Lynne Cory

Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if I make a conscious effort that from this day forward I will not say or listen to any negative word about another person?

What if this past negativity has left me with a dirty and nauseous feeling? What if I chance to be in the presence of gossiping people, and I choose to say that I do not see it that way or else change the subject and ask if they have a good recipe for cheesecake or remove myself from the area for awhile?

What if it is not up to me to judge another but it is up to me to choose what I say and hear? What if now that I am aware of this lesson, none of it will be an issue anymore?

What if you believe you have to “toil” from dawn til dusk?

By Lynne Cory

Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if you have a belief that it takes hard work to make enough money to support yourself on this planet?

What if you spent your workday figuring and refiguring your weekly take home pay and knew exactly how many minutes you had to work to purchase something? What if you never gave your employer an extra minute because you were filled with fear and needed to be paid for every second?

What if because you believed that way, you always had to work hard and were often a little short on money?

What if you begin to believe that you are always taken care of? What if now you are?

What if we cannot see the BIG picture?

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By Lynne Cory

What if person #1 murdered person #2 in this lifetime but in a past lifetime #2 had poisoned #1 and they both needed to experience how it feels to be a  victim and a victimizer?

What if someone embezzled a lot of money from me in this lifetime but in a previous lifetime they had worked for years and because of my conniving ways I had ended up with everything they had and we were both supposed to feel loss of trust and loss of property but it just took two lifetimes?

What if everything going on, on this planet, is in perfect order for our highest growth, but we are limited to only seeing this lifetime?

What if we have a childhood trauma?

By Lynne Cory

Childhood Trauma

Photo courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net

What if the majority of us have had a childhood trauma or drama, perhaps a rejection or abandonment or loss, that we have lived with for many years and this issue has become our story and influenced our life and held us back from being our BEST authentic person?

What if we just breathed and allowed ourselves to let it go and thanked it for the experience because it has helped form who we are today and then spoke or thought of it no more and focused on today and stayed in the present moment and began to see and appreciate what a marvelous person we really are and how blessed we are to have our life?

What if I am doing a little better?

By Lynne Cory

Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if this year I focused on doing a little better than last year at this time? What if I watched a little less TV and read fewer newspapers until they can focus on something other than fear, gossip and the need for the consumption of products they are trying to convince me that I desperately need to make myself happier????

What if I recycled a little more, used a little less gasoline, water and electricity, decluttered my mind and living space a little more, enjoyed a little more quiet time and shared a little more of my time and talents with others?

What if next year, I used even less of the resources on our planet?

What if Mother Earth still wants me to enjoy my experience on the planet and have everything that I want?

What if it was about my motive?

By Lynne Cory

Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if it was all about my motive as I went through my day?

What if my intention was about greedily trying to get something from you, or what if I was truly encouraging your dreams? What if I was about putting you down, or what if I was lifting up your spirits with a kind word? Am I being  jealous of your accomplishments or am I being proud of your successes? Am I wishing you well or trying to trip you up or laughing at you behind your back or sharing a healing smile?

Remember, everything I wish for you, I receive also.

What if I put my bucket near the cactus?

By Lynne Cory

Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if I put all of my cares and woes and worries and fears and sadness and troubles into a bucket?

What if seven other people did the same and we all took our individual buckets and lined them up under the cactus and then from here we could pick a new bucket of cares and woes to deal with?

What if we all walked away with our own bucket because we are familiar with it?

What if it was unbelievable?

By Lynne Cory

Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if things that appear too good to be true are? What if I have a friend who invited me to put some money into something saying that I will get an unbelievable return? What if this deal started out in integrity but soon shifted once all of the free money started pouring in?

What if I dipped my toe into this affair and soon was selling my insurance and putting in my tax returns and talking my friends into doing the same?

What if my greed overtook my common sense and wiped out my intuition?

What if the whole thing dissolved for lack of integrity and we all lost everything?

What if an angel dropped by?

By Lynne Cory

Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if a customer stopped by our business and he was rude, curt, abrupt, sarcastic, pushy, nasty and really trying to pick a fight?

What if we continued to be pleasant and did not engage and did our absolute best to meet his requests?

What if he finally finished his transactions and frustratedly walked out the door because no one would fight with him?

What if he was an angel testing us on how much anger we still had inside us and we passed the test because we did not get angry back?

What if I am scared of you?

By Lynne Cory

Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if the opposite of love is not hate but fear?

What if I fear you because you are different or I worry that you are trying to “take my stuff”?

What if our differences are why the planet is so wonderful and interesting?

What if there is enough “stuff” on the planet for all of us just as there is enough air for all of us?

What if I am taking a shower?

By Lynne Cory

Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if I have the belief that when I take a shower I have the ability to wash away all of the dirt from my body as well as the negativity and sadness from my soul and my aura? What if I watch the water wash down my body and circle into the drain and when I step out of the shower I am a shiny, clean, new person ready for an exciting day and a fresh experience?

What if I put a crystal ball in your yard?

By Lynne Cory

Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if I have fun by giving something I think you might enjoy in a surprising way?

What if because you enjoy this and laugh and think good thoughts about me, positive energy rains down upon me from afar and lifts my vibration higher which opens the door for more good things to come to me?

What if I cannot get ahead?

By Lynne Cory

Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if your life habit has become one of struggle and problems?

What if you get real bored when everything is going smoothly so you “mix it up” and subconsciously add some problems to your life to feel comfortable again?

What if we are all unconsciously creating our life as we want it to be even if we say we want it differently?

What if my thoughts screwed it all up?

By Lynne Cory

What if when I went to purchase gas, an angel behind the counter suggested I buy a lottery ticket as the payout was a huge number and so I did?  What if I got in my car with a knowing that I would surely win something and I could not stop smiling?

What if shortly I began to think of how I would spend this great winning and decided I would buy my son a home, but what about my daughters and then my grandsons and how about my sister but what about my husbands brothers and their families and soon I had turned this great winning into a lot of work?

What if I checked the next day and did not win one penny?

What if Joy is the purpose?

By Lynne Cory

What if this life on Earth is supposed to be fun and happy but we humans figure out ways to make it not so?  What if we do not need to work 80 hours a week to purchase a car or property that we will not have time to enjoy and ruin our health with the stress?  What if we are familiar with trouble and strife and ease and joy just seem lazy?