By Lynne Cory

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What if you do not add JOY to my life?
As Dr. Phil says, what if you either contribute to or contaminate my life?
What if I only want contributions?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if you do not add JOY to my life?
As Dr. Phil says, what if you either contribute to or contaminate my life?
What if I only want contributions?
By Lynne Cory
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What if we only have to BE, not achieve, not create, not accumulate?
What if we are making this life more difficult than it has to be?
What if we are still living with and trying to keep up with the beliefs of our parents and grandparents and teachers and neighbors and friends and the movies and TV and the newspaper?
By Lynne Cory
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What if you had worked at a company for years and the job was getting harder and you found yourself complaining more because the other people did not seem to pull their weight or else did things not for the company’s highest good while getting a salary? What if you felt that if you left, everyone would sink and that no one appreciated you and all of your sacrifices?
What if I acknowledged you for the amazing person that you are and focused on how effortlessly you do your work and surrounded you with love? What if I appreciated the unappreciated one?
What if, mysteriously, joy started to flow into your heart?
By Lynne Cory
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What if small children and animals have a great ability to sense the auric field of an individual who is nearby, just by virtue of their survival instinct?
What if we paid better attention to how they reacted around people and listened to their warnings?
Don’t Water the Stick by Bernard Willemsen
By Lynne Cory
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What if 25 years ago I put out a little effort and helped someone in need get a little further ahead by giving them a small amount of my time and labor?
What if they are still talking about it and appreciating me today because it meant a lot them?
What if we can never tell how much our kindness can mean to another? Helen
By Lynne Cory
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What if everything that we were bigoted against in this lifetime meant that we would come back as that in a future lifetime for our own learning and soul growth?
What if this thought made us a more tolerant person now?
What if it didn’t?
By Lynne Cory
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What if a loving state of mind is the body’s best means of resisting illness and healing itself?
What if an internalizing mind is just the opposite; what if it multiplies our chances of becoming ill and hampers the healing process? Don’t Water the Stick by Bernard Willemsen
By Lynne Cory
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What if I am a religious person and have been given many gifts?
What if I abuse these gifts or don’t honor or pay for them for many months or years?
What if then I spend hours at my synagogue or church or temple, praying or chanting that things will change for me?
What if it is too little too late and things don’t change?
What if I lose it all but get a second chance to try and do it better next time?
By Lynne Cory
What if when I am nervous, the things I desire to have or do are pushed away from me?
What if when I am in joy, everything happens quickly and effortlessly?
By Lynne Cory
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What if I watch a friend of mine struggle with his choices, unable to find his way?
What if I send a spotlight of love to help him see the way instead of offering my unasked for advice?
What if he now wore an invisable, magical mask to guide him?
By Lynne Cory
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What if someone I worked with owed me money for over a year and they ignored my calls and letters until I finally gave up?
What if after two years, they called and said that they had been having a terrible time and had been embarrassed to call and not only were they going to pay me but they hooked me up with a good job at great pay?
What if some things that look like crap can turn out to be candy if we just release the control and let things flow in their perfect order?
By Lynne Cory
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What if there is nothing for us to judge about the addiction of another person? What if you smoke three packs of cigarettes a day but I eat 5 pieces of cake for lunch or you gamble away your family’s money but I drink three+ glasses of alcohol every evening or you smoke marijuana and my house is filling to the brim with useless clutter or you work 24/7 and I use heroin to keep going or you shop until you drop and I watch TV for 14 hours a day?
What if in our society, there are popular and unpopular addictions and we feel sorry for some and seem to look down on others? What if we all got arrested for addictions that hurt us and I found myself in jail for eating a 1 pound box of chocolate? What if we are all just trying to find happiness?
By Lynne Cory
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What if I go to work faithfully, am on time and do everything I am asked and yet no one acknowledges me, validates that I am even there or ever tells me that I am doing it correctly? It is as if I am invisible.
What if each day I begin to compliment or acknowledge one person and after a few days watch what happens?
What if I give what I want to get? Connie
By Lynne Cory
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What if I helped one person feel better about themselves with a smile or an encouraging word or a listening ear and because they felt better they were able to help a few other people feel better and then each of those people was able to help a few others and so on and so on and so on?
What if this one kind action could ricochet into the lives of 1000 people?
What if the smallest kindness can have enormous consequences on our planet, perhaps even saving a life?
By Lynne Cory
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What if I don’t have to be punished to be forgiven (by myself or others)? Margaret
By Lynne Cory
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What if I was speaking with someone and they began to make derogatory remarks about another race and I became very angry and insulted them?
What if now I am being bigoted to a bigot? Am I not the same, hating a hater? What if the next time I just replied that there are nice people and mean people in every race and changed the subject?
What if because they could no longer make me angry, I no longer had this experience?
By Lynne Cory
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What if we went to work or school or our volunteer jobs with the attitude that “I own the place” and gave that little extra, perhaps with a pleasant smile or doing the job just a little better or picking up unsightly garbage or dusting a missed place or adding some flowers, anything that we could do to enhance the place where we will be spending time this day?
What if because of our positive attitude, our day flowed effortlessly and we even had fun?
By Lynne Cory
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What if I woke up this morning and felt cranky and my clothes looked awful and I was out of cream for my coffee and two cars tailgated me on the way to work and the phone kept ringing with wrong numbers and someone asked me do to something that was impossible to figure out and my lunch was stale and those people tried to argue with me and then I stubbed my toe?
What if I went into another room and sat for just 5 minutes and took some long slow breaths and begin to think thoughts as happy as I could come up with and then slowly as I watched myself shifting my thinking, I changed the way my day was unfolding?
By Lynne Cory True story
What if he asked the Universe for $11,000.00?
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What if, a few weeks later, he was on his job site digging a trench and found a little blue bottle in the dirt? What if he researched this little blue bottle and found it to be rather rare and he put it up for sale on eBay and soon he was offered $900.00 and then $3000.00 and then $15,000.00 and finally $17,000.00 because another man had an almost complete set of all of the sizes of these bottles and this was the only one he needed?
What if he decided not to sell the bottle but put it on his fireplace mantle?
What if his desire for $11,000.00 was answered but he chose not to take advantage of it because it really did not matter if he sold it or not and he noticed that because he was relaxed he manifested his desire differently but easily? Daryll
By Lynne Cory
What if I want something so badly and I am spending a lot of my time focusing on it and hoping for it and praying that it comes and imagining it is already here and saying daily affirmations about it and the darn thing just does not come or happen and I am becoming angry and frustrated?
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What if I just took a breath and relaxed and soon something even more amazing showed up and now I can see that it was for my highest good that the original thing was not supposed to happen?
By Lynne Cory
What if the universe knows the correct timing for our desires and even if we say we are ready, if it has not yet appeared, we are not ready?
My niece had her heart set on a dream home nearby. She had the money and the desire. A mystic told her once she put her hand on the doorknob, the home would be hers. It took her 10 plus years to touch the doorknob and two weeks later the big home was hers.
For Alisa
By Lynne Cory
What if migraine headaches can be caused by overthinking about what I did or did not do that made me emotionally uncomfortable? What if I cured myself by forgiving myself and believing that I did the best I could at the time and thanked the Universe for the lesson? What if the next time the lesson appeared, I thanked myself for handling it just a little better and faster and appreciated my growth?
By Lynne Cory
What if in this lifetime, I am an evil, cutthroat, heartless bastard who only grabs for myself and cares not at all for others? What if I am hated by all who know and fear me?
What if in this next lifetime, I choose to be loving, compassionate and helpful to everyone I encounter and just mentioning my name makes people feel good inside?
What if I get a Universal Academy Award for playing each part so well? What if there is nothing to judge as my soul is just learning?
By Lynne Cory
What if both the young and the old are able to be swindled more easily and need someone to gently oversee their lives without cutting into their independence?
By Lynne Cory
What if hearing of or watching your traumatic situation has an effect on me also? What if my gift to you is living through a drama, learning the lesson and then sharing my negative and positive experience with you?
By Lynne Cory
What if things are always put on my path to judge and judgement is the ultimate lesson?
By Lynne Cory
What if I hate you because of your religious or political beliefs that are quite different than mine?
What if I hate you because you brought a zucchini casserole and red wine to the buffet and I do not like either of those?
What if I focused on the things I do like?
By Lynne Cory
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What if the statement, “You are never fully dressed until you are wearing a smile,” is true?
What if Molly has on the finest clothing and shoes and jewelry but a grouchy, arrogant, miserable face to go with this ensemble?
What if Paul has on worn out, shabby clothing and a loving warm smile to top it off? Who is the better dressed on the planet? Sue
By Lynne Cory True Story
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What if I was the type of person who knew what I wanted and went out and bought it and was, almost always, happy with my choice?
What if I owned a little store and a customer came in to buy something small but could not make up her mind and spent 2 hours asking me my opinion and trying to choose and finally left empty-handed only to return another day with three friends and agonzied over the choice but once again could not decide and on the third visit returned with her son and husband and struggled and strained for hours more but still could not make up her mind?
What if instead of judging her for all of my time she took up with her lack of self-confidence, I appreciated her for the gift she gave me of feeling fortunate to have my confidence?
By Lynne Cory
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What if I wanted to wash my hands and there was no water and instead I rubbed my hands together briskly and cleansed the etheric field?
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By Lynne Cory
What if you noticed that the days you began with love, ended with gratitude?
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