What if this year creates next year?

By Lynne Cory

What if this past year, he has borrowed money from friends and not bothered to repay it and ignored his credit card debt and personal bills and not answered the phone calls but has just gone on with his life?

What if next year, he is surprised with greater money problems and terrifying challenges?

What if she has lived in integrity and compassion and taken care of her debts and responsibilities?

What if her next year becomes just a bit easier and more fun?

What if the pink light surrounded me?

By Lynne Cory

What if instead of choosing the white light to surround me, I choose pink? What if I envision myself encircled by a tall cylinder of pink illumination, as if I were inside a lipstick tube, extending above my head and below my feet? I notice how it radiates intense Divine Love energy out towards others and how it projects beautifully strong Heavenly energy inward toward myself.

Doreen Virtue   The Angel Therapy Handbook

What if the music makes a difference?

By Lynne Cory

What if gentle, up-lifting, soulful music playing in our home or workplace can actually act as a psychic screen, surrounding us with protective energy? What if it is also a clearing measure to remove negativity in stressful situations? What if we called upon the Archangel Sandalphon to help select the best music for various situations?

Doreen Virtue  The Angel Therapy Workbook

What if my clothes make me sad?

By Lynne Cory

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Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if I have some classic and expensive clothing that no longer fits and I keep it with the hope that someday, I can fit into it again?

What if years go by and I have not returned to that past weight and I am disappointed with myself?

What if I give it all away and allow someone else the enjoyment while the clothing is still in style and now my closet is spacious?

What if I could not find it because it was lost?

By Lynne Cory

What I was searching for something and it was nowhere to be found? What if “subconsciously” I said to myself before I started looking, “This is something I want to keep track of and I had better be sure it does not get lost,” and I set it up to be out of my sight wherever I looked?

What if I waited a little while and thought, “It will show up at the perfect time,” and relaxed and it did appear?

What if I am wasting time?

By Lynne Cory

What if I am worrying that my older parents don’t have much time left and I “should” do more with them?

What if they lived a lot longer and I have wasted precious time worrying when I could have enjoyed it?

What if they were happy with their life and knew I loved them dearly and were fine without me underfoot 24/7?