By Lynne Cory
What if I have the power to make myself very ill? What if I have the power to make myself very well? What if I can do as I choose? What if it is about where I put my focus?
By Lynne Cory
What if I have the power to make myself very ill? What if I have the power to make myself very well? What if I can do as I choose? What if it is about where I put my focus?
By Lynne Cory
What if in every life situation that presents itself to me, I get to choose whether to be angry or loving, to listen or talk-over, to be compassionate or gossipy or worried or hopeful? What if the choice is always mine? What if this choice dictates the next episode in my life, good or not-so-good? What if simply being aware of this is the first big step?