What if mom has no compassion to share?

By Lynne Cory

What if she has spent her life in service to her family and would like some compassion and acknowledgment for her efforts but gets nothing in return?  What if the only one that she can be sure will give her love and compassion is herself?  What if once she nurtures and loves herself, it will be easier to receive it from others?  What if It will take time to create this new behavior?

What if it is “my way or the highway”?

By Lynne Cory

What if I do things my way and you do things your way and I am frustrated because you are not doing them my way, “the right way,” and I know you will never succeed? What if I get angry at you? What if my frustration is showing me that I know how to do it right but I am NOT doing it right? What if both ways were perfect?

What if I shifted our relationship?

By Lynne Cory

What if a difficult person enters my life and I want to love them open-heartedly? What if I center myself, imagine them before me, thank them for being in my life, come from my heart, shift my thinking about them by changing my consciousness which then changes their consciousness, and give them a cosmic hug? What if our relationship changes for the better?      Connie Jackson

What if I want to bring it with me?

By Lynne Cory

What if it is our choice to come into our present life “baggage free” or we can choose to bring the old past-life suitcase with us?  What if once we relive and let the experience go, it is done but we are the ones who choose to hang onto it as we would the comfort of an old, ragged coat?  What if it is our choice to relive, over and over, the rejection, abandonment, struggle, neglect, lack of acknowledgment or abuse that we suffered in a previous lifetime because it feels familiar?  What if we release the past for a pleasant NOW?


What if I go to “too” many parties?

By Lynne Cory

What if it is more comfortable for me to be with other people than to be all alone with myself?  What if I am afraid to have a relationship with myself?  What if I started to give to myself all of the love and attention and joy that I bring to others?  What if I introduced myself to myself?

What if you have a big influence on me?

By Lynne Cory

What if I become like those with whom I hang around?  What if you are jealous, lazy, shiftless, a taker and not too honest and soon I begin drifting in your direction?  What if you are good-hearted, motivated, successful and busy and I find myself growing more like you?  What if I can forecast my future by looking at the people with whom I associate today?

What if my car saved me pain?

By Lynne Cory

What if I was driving down the street and my left rear tire blew out and caused damage to my car?

What if my car was protecting my body and speaking for it? What if the left side is the emotional side and the rear part is the past or on-going part? What if I was having on-going frustration in my life and my car took the hit instead of my body?

What if that annoys me?

By Lynne Cory

What if my lesson has been balance and for years I have given more than I received (compassion, listening, time and gifts)?

What if I am seeing my children give more than they can to others?

What if when we give and don’t receive, we drain ourselves?

What if I need to have a balanced life because I am a model of “how to be” for the next generation, as are you?

What if no bad deed goes unpunished?

By Lynne Cory

What if our tour guide thought he got one over on us by adding all sorts of fees and charges after we had already paid him in full and were in his country waiting for our tour to begin?  What if our travel agent was able to keep a big smile as she guided her many clients to another tour guide from then on?