What if I knew a secret?

By Lynne Cory

What if someone told me something about another person’s 25-year-old child that was very serious?

What if I kept this information to myself because it would serve no purpose except to worry the parents who could do nothing to change the situation?

What if at the proper time, the information was unfolded in the correct way by the correct person?


What if I got what I paid for?

By Lynne Cory

What if I went to a healer and requested that my leg be healed and was disappointed that it was not good as new when I left?  What if the healer helped me to heal my emotional fear of moving forward or helped me to take a stand?  What if healing can also mean peace of mind or lessening of anger, fear or control or emotional uniting with loved ones?  What if healing the emotional illness cures the physical illness?

What if he is a crusty, old curmudgeon?

By Lynne Cory

What if getting older doesn’t always mean getting kinder?  What if some older people are bitter, nasty and mean?  What if they have never had the opportunity for spiritual growth and have never taken the responsibility for their situations and continue to be a victim?  What if they are doing the best they can with the knowledge they have amassed?

What if I am “bone” tired?

By Lynne Cory

What if I am giving some of my energy to you and you and you and there is very little left for me?  What if I brought all of my pieces back and cut the cords connecting me to everyone I encounter and think about?  What if I instantly felt better?  What if I mistakenly thought that you could not do it without me?

What if I choose a horse and buggy in 1713?

By Lynne Cory

What if it is my choice which time period I choose to reincarnate into in my next life?  What if my choices are on a big menu?  What if I choose to be on a space platform in the year 3203?  What if I want to live in a cave with a clan in the year 713 BC?  What if I choose the time for my highest growth?  What if my same old familiar “cluster of souls”  will show up whenever I choose?

What if I really did leave it on the dresser?

By Lynne Cory

What if I think I am going crazy because my belongings appear, disappear and then appear again?  What if these are the actions of my deceased loved ones acting like pranksters to let me know they are around and watching over me?  What if I am missing many of the little signs they are sending?    for Connie and Ray

What if we avoided the black hole of dispair?

By Lynne Cory

What if parents who give all of their love and attention to their children and little to their spouses find themselves in a big void when the children leave home?  What if these needy parents impede their children’s growth by begging them to stay at home so the patents will not be lonely?

What if it wasn’t a desk and chair and lamp?

By Lynne Cory

What if I felt that stealing just a little stationery, pens, stamps and envelopes from my workplace was really not stealing because they have so much of them?  What if stealing is stealing and I am setting up Karma because someone (my soul) is watching my actions?  What if I ramped up my “integrity meter”?

What if she got separated?

By Lynne Cory

What if a sociopath is merely a person who has veered away from their soul and cannot find their way back in this lifetime?  What if their sad life is all about them and their wants and needs and they never feel the joys of compassion or giving?  What if sociopaths cannot accept help to find their way because they do not know there is anything wrong with their lifestyle?