What if nobody appreciated him?

By Lynne Cory

What if many people helped him to accomplish something with their time and their money and their suggestions?

What if he took all of the credit and said that he did it all?

What if he is now complaining that no one gives him any credit for his project?

What if he needs to give what he wants to receive?

What if the reason is not the reason?

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Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

By Lynne Cory

What if the Universe is continually guiding us to our most effortless path? I went to a wedding and it was not about the wedding but to meet a lovely lady who a week later began editing this work. I took my grandson to the doctor but the doctor took half an hour out of his day to counsel my grandson on the importance of continuing his education. What if the kind doctor found a new way to speak with his children?

What if I am surrounded?

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Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

By Lynne Cory

What if my Karma today is about something I may do in the future? What if I will be prepared when I get there? What if the choices I may make are affecting my life today? What if my past, present and future can all affect each other?

What if I can see myself having it?

Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

By Lynne Cory

What if when I want something, a fun way of manifesting it is to sit quietly and see and feel it (for at least 5 minutes for a few days or weeks) happening even before it happens? What if I want a loan mod and I sit for a few moments each day and imagine all the people at the conference table working diligently on my paperwork and creating even something better than I can imagine? What if they have their guides and angels working with mine for the highest good for all of us? What if it makes me smile to look in on them each day? What if today they are dancing and saying, “Let’s blow her away with this number”?
