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By Lynne Cory
What if it is ALWAYS about me (frustration, anger, jealousy, fear, sadness, joy, peace, love, etc.)?
What if everyone who causes my emotions to show is merely a mirror of something I need to see?
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
By Lynne Cory
What if it is ALWAYS about me (frustration, anger, jealousy, fear, sadness, joy, peace, love, etc.)?
What if everyone who causes my emotions to show is merely a mirror of something I need to see?
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
By Lynne Cory
What if the suffering, illness, sadness or frustration I am feeling is my soul crying out that I am going the wrong way?
What if when I am doing what I love and being true to myself and loving myself, my soul smiles and life flows effortlessly?
Copyright: tristan3d / 123RF Stock Photo
By Lynne Cory
What if I bumped into someone I have had challenges with and gave them a hug?
What if this changed the whole dynamic of the situation?
Copyright: isoga / 123RF Stock Photo
By Lynne Cory
What if once I achieve my purpose, I can die and go home?
What if I might stay awhile longer but just if I want to?
What if others can continue on with my dream?
Copyright: / 123RF Stock Photo
By Lynne Cory
What if I try to fix you and your problems and because of my interference, I ruin your opportunity for growth?
Copyright: tackgalichstudio / 123RF Stock Photo
By Lynne Cory
What if when the mind is sad, the body is sad?
What if when the body is sad, illness can come on board?
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
By Lynne Cory
What if as I write this, I can feel all of you around me? What if I can feel the big raven on my left shoulder and my grandmother standing on my left and my guides and angels all around me assisting me in the perfect wording of this project?
What if this project becomes even more fun for me?
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
By Lynne Cory
What if, before I wanted to teach or show you something, I said, “I think you are going to enjoy this,” or “This will be easy for you to learn”?
What if because I planted this simple seed of ease, it was enjoyable and easy?
Copyright: amasterpics123 / 123RF Stock Photo
By Lynne Cory
What if when I am speaking with a person, I bring up only the positive things in their life and if they choose to delve into their problems and disappointments, I listen with minimal comment?
What if they talked and solved their own problems?
Copyright: samotrebizan / 123RF Stock Photo
By Lynne Cory
What if sadness is like a bad cold that I can spread to you?
What if happiness is the vitamin to cure it?
Copyright: victor69 / 123RF Stock Photo
By Lynne Cory
What if there are no failures, ever?
What if there are only 473 ways “not” to do something?
Copyright: victor69 / 123RF Stock Photo
By Lynne Cory
What if many people helped him to accomplish something with their time and their money and their suggestions?
What if he took all of the credit and said that he did it all?
What if he is now complaining that no one gives him any credit for his project?
What if he needs to give what he wants to receive?
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
By Lynne Cory
What if it is up to the strong to stand up for the weak and un-empowered?
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
By Lynne Cory
What if we are all smart but learn in different ways?
What if I learn by doing it and you learn by reading it and he learns by hearing it?
What if you do well on written tests but I could artfully draw the correct answer?
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
By Lynne Cory
What if not being able to ask for what we want as well as giving away things we value for little money is a big sign of how we see our self worth?
What if we can measure how we are thinking by how we value ourselves?
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
By Lynne Cory
What if the Universe is continually guiding us to our most effortless path? I went to a wedding and it was not about the wedding but to meet a lovely lady who a week later began editing this work. I took my grandson to the doctor but the doctor took half an hour out of his day to counsel my grandson on the importance of continuing his education. What if the kind doctor found a new way to speak with his children?
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
By Lynne Cory
What if you know that you know far more than you know you know?
Ever Wonder by Kobi Yamada
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
By Lynne Cory
What if when I want something, a fun way of manifesting it is to sit quietly and see and feel it (for at least 5 minutes for a few days or weeks) happening even before it happens? What if I want a loan mod and I sit for a few moments each day and imagine all the people at the conference table working diligently on my paperwork and creating even something better than I can imagine? What if they have their guides and angels working with mine for the highest good for all of us? What if it makes me smile to look in on them each day? What if today they are dancing and saying, “Let’s blow her away with this number”?
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
By Lynne Cory
What if laughter really is the best medicine and this is what makes the world go around and most of us are just plain too serious?
What if my new religion is FUNandJOYalism?
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
By Lynne Cory
What if you can really sit still with your spine erect, deeply breathing in and out, feeling love in your heart for everyone, and you are actually moving more energy around than someone who is playing frisbee? Marianne Williamson
Copyright: kannaa123rf / 123RF Stock Photo
By Lynne Cory
What if when we are working on projects and need help or advice, we call on our guides, angels, teachers and those who have accomplished great things in the areas where we are interested?
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
By Lynne Cory
What if painting my house and discarding old, no longer wanted things is also changing my life? What if fixing up my home is fixing up my life?
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
By Lynne Cory
What if I am perfect and incomplete at the same time? What if I am always learning and growing and each stage is perfection? Clay
Copyright: znovenko / 123RF Stock Photo
By Lynne. Cory
What if when I stay in a peaceful vibration, those around me must also do so? What if I begin my day with true appreciation and love and those not matching will not come near me or stay around me?
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
By Lynne Cory
What if I am thinking about someone else and they can feel it?
What if I make it a kind, compassionate, loving thought and they begin to smile?
Copyright: sarahdesign / 123RF Stock Photo
By Lynne Cory
What if the only life changes I have made are to take full responsibility for myself and my happiness, lose the worry and stress and ramp up my appreciation of my life, my family and my friends?
What if my yearly lab tests are coming back better and better?
Copyright: viktorus / 123RF Stock Photo
By Lynne Cory
What if I always left the sink and counter in a public bathroom (airplane, gas station, restaurant) cleaner than when I found it? for Debbie
Copyright: astragal / 123RF Stock Photo
By Lynne Cory
What if my sparkle makes others feel good? What if my sparkle shows the universe how much I appreciate all that I have been given?