What if he killed himself?

By Lynne Cory

What if the energy on this planet was just too hard to endure for some gentle souls?

What if they had to use drugs or alcohol to get through their day?

What if they overdosed to find peace of mind and found themselves dead?

What if this was OK and they returned again at a later time when they were stronger?

What if I joined that club?

By Lynne Cory

What if many of us got together before we were born and made a pact that we would all be in a certain place at a certain time and die together in a dramatic way to speed up some much needed changes on mother earth?

What if we realized that those remaining would carry sadness for a long time but our end goal would have a very important impact for our planet?

What if I have lunch with an old friend?

By Lynne Cory

What if each morning, I asked that on this day: I only speak kindness, I give others the benefit of the doubt, I give an encouraging word whenever possible, I apologize for any past hurts I may have caused, I hug as many people as my heart instructs me, I do one chore I had been putting off, I appreciate my wonderful life and I love myself?

What if I give credit where it is due?


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Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

By Lynne Cory

What if our divine source, our guides, angels and teachers on the other side are always guiding and protecting and encouraging us on our path?  What if we could not succeed without them?  What if they are always assisting us for our highest good?

What if I go to a scary meeting?

By Lynne Cory

What if next week I am scheduled to meet with 4 people and I am nervous about the outcome?

What if before I entered the room I put a white light around the five of us and saw us loving each other and asked the guides and angels and teachers to join of all of us and I was heard in the way that was for my highest good?                        Connie

What if we switched places next time?

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Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

By Lynne Cory

What if in the next lifetime my animal and I switched places and Chopper cared for me as I had cared for him?

What if your pet had been kicked and yelled at and neglected and given old food and dirty water?

What if Chopper has clean water and good food and kind words and sleeps on my bed with a blanket in the winter and a fan in the summer?


What if they live here and there?

By Lynne Cory

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Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if there are many entities who reside in a multitude of dimensions and enjoy the feeling of coming into the physical world ever so often?  What if they do not experience time the same as humans?  What if a day is a blink of an eye to them and they do not live in the past, present, future but all in the NOW?

What if I forgot to iron the tablecloth?

By Lynne Cory

What if I “always” bring on my own stress by how I respond to situations? What if I am having a party and everything must be perfect, handmade food, a perfect table setting, polished silver, fresh flowers, clean windows, etc.? What if I make it so perfect that by the time my guests arrive I am so tired that I can hardly wait until they leave? What if I bought some food, used paper plates and joined the party and we all had a great time? What if they did not come to visit my house?

What if the policeman gave me a message?

By Lynne Cory

What if I got a ticket for driving while on my cellphone but the real message was to listen to my inner wisdom instead of calling on others? What if I got a ticket for speeding and the message was to slow my life down a bit or a ticket for not paying attention to street signs and I am to pay better attention to the signs all around me?

What if you can’t kid a kidder?

By Lynne Cory

What if there is no kidding in kidding and everything that we do or say to another is about 98% serious?

What if my actions make the other person feel “less than” or I feel dirty, sneaky or sad (if I am in tune with my feelings) after I kid them, and then I know that I am on the wrong path? What if I am trying to put them down to bring me up?

What if I complimented you instead?