What if I threw a big, loud tantrum?

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By Lynne Cory

What if I have asked and asked for something but it has not been delivered and I am getting mad and tired of waiting for it to come?

What if this is similar to going to a restaurant and ordering sea bass but it never comes because the chef knows the fish that day is old and will not be good for me and she offers something else?

What if the Universe holds back on things not for my highest good but brings the perfect thing at the perfect time?



What if he impacted 5000 people?

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By Lynne Cory

What if a 19 year old man robbed and killed an older lady yesterday and his actions changed the lives of 1000s?  What if his actions caused people to retaliate and get themselves into trouble? What if his heart-broken parents and siblings and grandparents as well as the entire heart-broken families of the victims had their lives changed in an instant?  What if both sides are victims?

What if he gave work to the police and the judges, court reporters, bailiffs, newspaper reporters, court secretaries, attorneys, attorneys office staff, jail custodians, cooks and guards and more?

What if you look a bit different than me?

By Lynne Cory

What if there are living beings on every planet in the Universe?  What if there is no purpose of being unless life is growing and thriving?  What if we look, eat, breathe very differently?  What if some live on the surface of the planet and some live in the interior and some I cannot even imagine?

What if you don’t have the skills I want?

By Lynne Cory

What if all I wanted was for you to love me (mom, dad, spouse, lover, friend, etc.)?  What if I tried and tried to make you love me and then you died and now I am devastated because I know it can never happen?  What if you were never loved and could not pass it on?  What if I chose you as my important person and you acted just as we had preplanned to make me stronger?  What if you were simply a self-centered jerk?

What if we were protecting each other?

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By Lynne Cory

What if on the way to the veterinarian’s office, I explained to my dog, Dug, that he would be getting a blood test and I would not leave his side and when we arrived they asked me to stay out front?

What if Dug became defensive and wriggled out of his collar and growled at the three kind nurses and jumped on my lap?  What if after a bit of a struggle, they got the blood sample but we both left the office shaken?  What if we are highly intuned to each other?  What if there was something else going on that I could not see?

What if I praised him behind his back?

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By Lynne Cory

What if everyone agreed that she was wonderfully accomplished?  What if she was always bragging about how amazingly well she completed any task?
What if she sucked up all of the glory herself and left nothing for us to say?  What if she could not stop patting herself on the back?  What if she was quiet and allowed others to “sing her praises” for awhile?

What if the universe is continually nudging me?

By Lynne Cory

What if I am a great teacher, chef, artist, musician, care-giver, contractor, etc. but I am using none of my skills?  What if in my current position, I continually feel poorly or just get by financially or just cannot find love?  What if the universe is gently guiding me to use my skills and when I open that door all, of my dreams can come true?  What if they present messages daily?  What if it takes a lot of courage to change course?

What if I break the cycle?

By Lynne Cory

What if a robber killed my friend and now the community is rallying around asking for the death sentence for this man? What if we kill a killer, are we not then the same?  What if this man’s soul has value and may still make a difference in the life of his family and those in prison with him?  What if in another lifetime, the victim and killer were reversed and they needed to finish a Karmic lesson?

What if you smiled for no apparent reason?

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By Lynne Cory

What if I am far from you yet I am thinking about you and your kindness, compassion and loving and helpful ways?  What if I recall how you always see things from the bright side and give hope to everyone you encounter?  What if I love how you care for and respect your animals and how they love you back?  What if many notice how you light up a room when you enter?

What if we need a committee for that?

By Lynne Cory

What if people are continually grouping together with the intention of  trying to help others with their addictions and situations?

What if these helpers don’t work on their own problems but focus on what is wrong with me?  What if they focused on what was going on in their life and became good models?

What if I counted to 362?

By Lynne Cory

What if, from the moment my eyes opened this morning, I began to count everything that was going right in my life? What if my eyes saw, my ears heard, my shower was warm, my clothes fit, I had a choice of shoes, my water was clean, my roof was good, my car started, I had fuel in my car, I passed through green lights and got to work in plenty of time.  What if the more that I appreciated, the more that I wanted came to me?

What if I have to die before you miss me?

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by Lynne Cory

What if I am always at the other end of our phone call encouraging you forward? What if all of the little things I do and say are not appreciated or criticized and ridiculed?  What if you have gossiped about me to others and laughed at me behind my back?  What if you have always thought you were better than I? What if I am still your cheerleader from the other side?

What if we have it all twisted in the wrong direction?

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By Lynne Cory

What if we should be so happy that a person has passed and is going back to a Light vibrational place that is filled with unconditional love and appreciation and all knowing information? What if we should feel sad for a new baby coming onto this dense planet, helpless and having to relearn everything to find their way?  What if years ago mankind led us wrong?

What if I was so excited?

By Lynne Cory

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What if I spoke with the universe before I started each day and asked “what exciting and amusing thing will you be showing me today”?  What if on the way, I noticed the trees were in bloom and the birds were overhead? What if I got to work and people were arguing loudly and instead of putting in my two cents, I just observed and sent them love?

What if it ended well but the middle was not how I expected?