What if she looks old for her age?

By Lynne Cory

What if she hates her father to the core of his being and is brutally rude and furious to anyone who mentions him because he left her as a small child?  What if her anger is quickly aging her and ruining her health?  What if she will know that she is evolving when she can show him compassion?  What if the roles were reversed in another lifetime as she is paying back her Karma?

What if it all started long ago?

By Lynne Cory

What if many illnesses start in the womb?  What if we can be impressed by the thoughts and spoken words of our mother and those around her before we are born?  What if our father said he did not want more responsibility for another child?  What if our grandmother did not like our father’s race?  What if our mother did not want to stop her career?  What if we misread that which we heard?

What if you get the shoes at half-price?

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By Lynne Cory

What if you take advantage of me with your intimidating skills and your pushy personality and your domineering ways and I feel stupid for allowing this?

What if, down the line, KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK, the Universe brings someone to your door who has all of your qualities 10 fold and they treat you far worse than you ever treated me and you realize the effect of your actions?

What if we stayed home and ate ice cream?

By Lynne Cory

What if the KKK was coming to our town for a big parade?  What if they thrive on hate and chaos and are ready to fight anyone who challenges them?  What if anger feeds them? What if we all stayed home when they came and did something fun?  What if they moved on to another place to feed their need because there was no food they enjoyed in our town?

What if they are jumping up and down?

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By Lynne Cory

What if our loved ones from the other side are continuously attempting to help us: find a treasure that is ours, find a person who loves us, find the answer to our medical question and ease our life into joy?  What if they have sent messages many times and if we quiet our minds, we will begin to see and hear them?

What if you are waiting for me to ask?

By Lynne Cory

What if we ask our loved ones on the other side to show us a sign that they are around?  My daughter was picking weeds from her son’s grave and asked him the circumstances of his car going over the steep cliff.  On her way home from the cemetery, she was blinded by the extreme sun in her eyes.  My friend asked for a sign from her daughter who had passed with stage 4 cancer.  Her next appointment was from a person with stage 4 cancer.

What if the “misbehavers” have a very important purpose?

By Lynne Cory

What if being a hermit-type monk is good for spiritual growth but our souls can grow and learn more quickly when we are rubbing against each other in our crowded humanities?

What if the bad-actors in business, government and life can mirror concepts that we need to see in ourselves for our spiritual growth?  What if others who lie, cheat, frustrate and take advantage of us are our best teachers?

What if I turn my listening ears on?

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By Lynne Cory

What if I say to myself: I cannot do that, it is too hard or I am not smart enough or it is too much work for me or it is dangerous to go there or I am too old for that or others will not like me if I do that AND I am correct?

What if I say to myself: I am always safe or what can it hurt to have a go at that or age is just a belief or it might be fun to try that or I wonder if I could do that AND I am correct?

What if my soul knows the answer?

By Lynne Cory

What if when I am in a “quandary,” I sit and ask my soul which way to go as my soul has been with me since my first lifetime and knows me intimately?

What if my soul has had many positive and negative experiences with me over the lifetimes and also has a great memory?

What if my soul had answers that I could not even imagine?

What if I talk too much?

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By Lynne Cory

What if I never have enough? Woe is me, I think. What if I commiserate with all of my friends about my lack?

What if it stays the same or gets worse and the lack piles up around my ankles?

What if I start thinking about and talking about what is good in my life?

What if things start to slowly get better and then take off like a rocket?

What if she is distracting me?

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By Lynne Cory

What if I continue to call a friend who then talks on and on and on about herself and rarely asks about me?

What if I am creating my own life and find that I am using her as a distraction to stop me from doing something I am hesitant or fearful of doing?

What if once I realize this, I begin to use my time more effectively?