What if they got an AAAAA++++++?

By Lynne Cory

What if civilizations that were here long before us were far more brilliant in their technology that is far above what we are able to understand?  What if they left us little clues when they left Earth?  What if there is far more to old ruins and pyramids than we will ever understand?  What if we are less evolved than ants to them?  What if they cannot help us just as we cannot communicate with red ants?

What if he just walked away?

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By Lynne Cory

What if Tom tried to belittle Joe by saying loud, embarrassing things about him in front of others?

What if Tom felt so bad about himself that the only way he could feel better was to try and make others feel smaller?

What if Joe had the power to belittle Tom but then he would be a bully bullying a bully and chose not to?

What if others felt embarrassed for the bully and kept their distance?              for Joe

What if both are the same?

By Lynne Cory

What if illness and health are to be experienced for our soul growth?  What if one is not better than the other and subconsciously we have created these experiences?  What if illness is a powerful way to make us more greatful for each day?  What if having compassion for others as we have for ourselves might ease this?    El-Ray/Erin

What if Harmony is my middle name?

By Lynne Cory

young mother with a beautiful daughterWhat if it has always been very important to me that my family love and care for each other? What if some of the members have struggled and been angry with each other? What if I finally see that my job is to simply love and create harmony between myself and each of them and release myself from this imagined responsibility knowing that everyone is on his own path and my challenge is finding the harmony within myself no matter what the others are doing? What if as I find harmony within myself, it begins expanding in my family?   El-Ray/Erin

What if my mirror went out of control?

15563283_sBy Lynne Cory

What if I encounter people who are over the top (angry, crazy, bossy, pushy, rude, etc.) and I know I do not act like that?  What if it has taken that much magnification of the situation to get me to see myself? What if the universe has been showing me a more gentle version but I ignored them?  What if this would not be presented to me if I did not have something to learn?     El-Ray/Erin

What if he suddenly turned angry?

By Lynne Cory

What if open heart surgery can release hidden anger that a person may have not been aware of?  What if this unconscious anger can originate in early childhood or even in the womb?  What if this once kind person completely changes personalities and unless they do inner searching to find the source may ruin their family life?        Celeste