What if he got the hard “part”?

By Lynne Cory

What if before we incarnated, we each chose a part to play in each other’s lifetime?  What if I needed you to be the rather unattractive, embezzler in my company with the gambling addiction?  What if many disliked you because of your actions?  What if they booed and hissed at you just like in the old black and white movies of the 1920s?  What if it is no different?

What if he could not put the brakes on?

By Lynne Cory

What if he was critical of those around him and just went on and on and on with his negativity?  What if I became critical of his critical-ness and now we are both the same? What if I could see that those he criticized were simply mirroring his qualities?  What if I watched myself gently shift the subject when we spoke?

What if the nourisher needs nourishing?

By Lynne Cory

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What if she rushes from here to there caring for and giving her all with her special healing talents even though she has pain?  What if the others continually improve and show appreciation but there is no one to give back to her?  What if she is so busy helping others that she has no time to even accept any help?  What if she finally drains her cup of life and passes on?  What if this was a Karmic repayment?  What if the scales are now balanced?

What if one word made a big difference?

By Lynne Cory

What if there is a saying that “craziness is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”?  What if I am having the same dramas over and over because I am THINKING the same thing?  What if I could shift my thinking to a less scary scenario

and soon more pleasant things began to happen?  What if I really do create what I focus upon?

What if my house has 325 people living in it?

By Lynne Cory

What if we are all living concurrent lives?  What if my mind cannot absorb the concept but I am living in the past, the present and the future and parallel to this time?  What if my soul is growing faster than I can imagine?  What if it is like the channels on the radio that can all be tuned it but I can only listen to one at a time?  What if in my home and on this land are many people living in the future, a family from the 1800s, cave dwellers, Indians sitting around a campfire, me in other lifetimes and dimensions?  What if my vibration gets higher and this concept becomes more clear?  What if my dog can see it?



What if we can “never” know what this is all about?

By Lynne Cory

What if, here on Earth, we never get the whole story on any situation, the littlest details that make the difference, the things said with a different tone, what this person did behind the scenes or the untrue gossip which is only partly true?  What if the media continually lies to us to make us fearful of each other; to separate us from each other which keeps us powerless.  What if we simply love all of the humans on the planet and realize that we are all doing the best we can with the knowledge we have been presented?  What if we will have to die to see the truth?

What if normal is more than a dryer setting?

By Lynne Cory

What if your belief in what is normal is vastly different than mine?  What if you are living in a 45 room mansion and I am living along the side of the road in a homeless encampment?  What if we both have friends and families and can be kind or mean or honest or crooked wherever we are?  What if this is just our Karma playing out and we should not judge one lifestyle as better or worse?

What if they cannot hear themselves think?

By Lynne Cory

What if we are the noisiest planet in the multi-verse?  What if our millions of cars, trains, buses, airplanes and jets, motorcycles, blaring TVs, loud cellphone conversations, annoying music, jackhammers, chainsaws, etc. make intolerable noise?  What if we are getting noisier as our numbers increase?  What if all of this noise goes out into the stars and irritates the beings in space?

What if they are missing the big picture?

By Lynne Cory

What if Nancy hates her mother-in-law because she is so controlling over her husband, Tom?  What if the mother-in-law hates Nancy because she always controls her son, Tom?

What if Tom is a great teacher showing both women their control issues?  What if in a previous life Tom was very controlling and now gets to see how it feels?

What if hell is filled with huge spiny cactus?

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By Lynne Cory

What if man is not able to see the afterlife and desperately wants to so he makes up stories about how it is?  What if over the centuries some have tried to control us with their stories of the good and bad places we might end up if we follow their rules or misbehave?  What if our belief systems make up how it is?      El-Ray/Erin

What if I put myself on the altar each night?

By Lynne Cory

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What if before I go to sleep each night, I imagine myself on a large altar and invite healing beings in to assist me in maintaining and improving my health?  What if some nights I sense them working on my veins and other nights on my teeth and draining away old liquids and doing many other fascinating practices?

What if I am driving in the wrong direction?

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By Lynne Cory

What if I am angry, frustrated, hateful, envious or just plain mean?  What if I am not hearing my soul message?  What if I am driving the wrong way on the freeway and only scary things can be ahead for me?  What if I sit quietly and ask what I need do to shift and change my direction?  What if I do what is presented and my relationships change?

What if Underdog became Overdog?

By Lynne Cory

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What if in just an instant a life can be changed? A worried person sitting in the back of the plane can be asked to take the last seat in first class and sit next to someone who changed his life. A poor starving person can inherit a fortune from an unknown relative.  A lonely person can find a family he thought lost.  A kindness can be surprisingly repaid years later.  What if there really is never anything to worry about?