What if they showed us an easier way?

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Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

By Lynne Cory

What if beings from other universes are all over our planet and many have ideas that can revolutionalize our world?  With if with a simple piece of paper inserted into our car motor, the car can be run by air?  What if there is a vibration about 5 inches above the ground that when stepped on with special shoes can instantly transport us anywhere we desire?  What if they bring a certain fruit that can cover all of our monthly food needs with just one slice?

What if joy came over me?

By Lynne Cory

What if I was walking around with tears dripping from my eyes?  What if I was able to see where this sadness originated and acknowledge and thanked it?  What if I laid on my bed and allowed all of this grey-brown sadness to release and flow out of an imaginary valve in the middle of my back until every bit was drained from all parts of my body?

What if I am looking behind the veil?

By Lynne Cory

What if a young man I know was going through his life doing fine and now he is on drugs and breaking into houses and stealing things, even from me?

What if one of the times that his energy was low because of drugs or alcohol, a walk-in with bad intentions joined his body and is now the cause of all this mayhem?

What if there are people who can work with this entity and assist him in removing himself to a better place and allowing this young man to return to his moral life before it is too late and he is either killed or jailed?

What if I gave you what I didn’t have?

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Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

By Lynne Cory

What if I struggled for years in my business, always seemingly short of money and often stressed by paying with money not yet in my checkbook?

What if I sat quietly and asked what is the lesson here and heard that I had a great fear of hurting other people’s feelings or letting them down or being embarrassed by not being able to pay them for services they so kindly had given me?

What if this was not a dollar problem but a self-worth problem?

What if once I began to love myself more and put myself first more, my money situation improved and I was able to easily pay my bills?

What if it only happens .001% of the time?

By Lynne Cory

What if most of the things we worry and stress about never actually happen?  What if worry is just a waste of my precious time?  What if I shift my focus to what is going on this very minute?  What if I appreciate all the things that are going well in my life?  What if it takes a concentrated effort to shift from worry to appreciation?

What if the timer is ticking?

By Lynne Cory

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Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if, before we come onto the planet, we pre-select how long each of our relationships is to last?  What if my grandson was only to bring me joy for 25 years?  Perhaps he owes me 4 children from a previous lifetime but not his enduring companionship?  What if she is to come in later in my life and help me in my final years of illness  but she cannot help me because I will not end an abusive marriage?  What if I miss the experience in this lifetime and it presents itself in the next one?  What if there is nothing to be guilty about?

What if I get to choose box 1 or box 2?

By Lynne Cory

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Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if in every life situation that presents itself to me, I get to choose whether to be angry or loving, to listen or talk-over, to be compassionate or gossipy or worried or hopeful? What if the choice is always mine?  What if this choice dictates the next episode in my life, good or not-so-good?  What if simply being aware of this is the first big step?

What if there was a 13 page menu?

By Lynne Cory

What if before we reincarnated onto Mother Earth we went before a tribunal where we were given a long list from which we could choose our physical features and attributes? What if I choose my gender, my race, the time and country where I was born, my parents and family members, my potential height and weight, my facial features and talents and skills that I might explore and expand upon during my coming lifetime?  What if there is nothing to dislike about me because I specifically chose everything about myself to further my learning and growth?

What if we are “two peas in a pod”?

By Lynne Cory

What if I always bring people to my life that vibrate the same?  What if her friend is always trying to maneuver something from her boyfriend? What if then she notices how she is always manipulating her mother?  What if they are the same?

What if he is always kind and helpful to me and is showing me how people perceive me? What if we all live in a hall of mirrors?