What if you are almost standing on my foot?

By Lynne Cory

What if personal space is different in different countries?  What if in the United States, we feel comfortable standing about 3 to 4 feet away from each other when speaking or waiting in line but in many other countries, a 1 foot distance is the norm?  What if she is not being rude but merely doing what she is used to with her customs?

What if I just took my hands off of the steering wheel?

By Lynne Cory

What if all my troubles and dramas are coming from attempting to control what is going on around me?  What if I just gave up and let the universe “drive the bus” for awhile?  What if I have been taking the hard, bumpy, road and there was a smooth easy path just out of sight but because I kept trying to avoid the potholes, I never saw the better path?  What if none of this will matter once I pass?

What if I watched three movies in a row?

By Lynne Cory

young mother with a beautiful daughterWhat if every day is perfect?  What if today I accomplished 15 things but tomorrow I never got dressed and just talked on the phone to friends all day?  What if I am exactly where I am supposed to be, doing just what I am suppose to be doing “or” I would be doing something else?  What if no action is wasted?  What if I am loved no matter what I do?

What if Walmart wrote me?

By Lynne Cory

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What if I have a very dear friend I have known for over 25 years and through some poor choices she has made, she is really struggling?

What if over the years, I have found work for her and let her stay with me on occasion and let her use my address for her mail and was proud of her growth?

What if I just got a letter from Walmart about her stealing from their store and asking for payment and now she will not answer my calls even though she does not yet know why I am calling?

What if I see her taking the hard path and all I can do is wave good-bye?

What if I am limping and you have an ear ache?

By Lynne Cory

What if I store my emotional story in my body?  What if there are general ailments that others can read but there is a lot of personal fine tuning which creates each of our aches, illnesses and ailments?  What if we can never know another’s story and we just love them and their individual struggle?  What if we are all growing in our perfect way?