What if you cannot get her down?

By Lynne Cory

What if she had a miserable creep of a spouse or a friend or a partner and she spent years wishing them bad luck and bad heath and a rotten future?

What if because she was wishing them all of these bad things, she was focusing on BAD and began to create bad things for herself? What if we create more of what we focus on?

What if she refused to be a victim and empowered herself and chose to be healthy and happy and helpful and her life continued to unfold joyously?

What if I am sitting on the bench in a black robe once more?

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By Lynne Cory

What if when I offer my help and advice which you did not ask for, I am judging that you are not wise enough to do it for yourself?

What if my doing it for you or telling you how takes away your lesson and growth and the universe will just repeat it another day in another way?

What if I have been here before?

By Lynne Cory

What if I came to earth but the energy was too heavy and I left after 3 months (miscarriage), then the next time I came and stayed for 9 months (stillborn birth), then I tested the earth’s vibration for 13 months (SIDS) before I had to return, next I lasted for 8 years before I had to return (car accident) and now I am feeling stronger and have been here for 33 years and will soon leave?

What if you think I died so young at 33 but I feel that I have been here for such a long time this lifetime?

What if we “fixed her up”?

By Lynne Cory

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What if I was in line at the store and the lady ahead of me was very grumpy and rude to the checker who kept a pleasant attitude and glanced my way now and then?

What if both the checker and I had the same inner thoughts toward this troubled soul and sent her kindness and love and finally, grumpily and slowly she moved along?

What if there was a heart healing of the three of us and the grumpy one will not know why she is starting to feel better but she will?

What if the good energy is what is important?

By Lynne Cory

What if I put up a few meager holiday decorations with my grandchildren with lots of laughter and you put up a gorgeous professional-looking display that took anger and nagging and frustration to complete?

What if others feel better when they are looking at mine but they don’t know why?

What if this year creates next year?

By Lynne Cory

What if this past year, he has borrowed money from friends and not bothered to repay it and ignored his credit card debt and personal bills and not answered the phone calls but has just gone on with his life?

What if next year, he is surprised with greater money problems and terrifying challenges?

What if she has lived in integrity and compassion and taken care of her debts and responsibilities?

What if her next year becomes just a bit easier and more fun?

What if I want extra pickles on the side?

By Lynne Cory

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What if I need to be a bit specific if I am asking the universe for something?  Is it not like going into a nice restaurant and asking for some food?  What if they brought me a squid and cheddar cheese milkshake and I did not like the combination?  It was food.  What if I took some time and asked in my thoughts or meditation for what I want _________ and then asked for it to come at the perfect time, in the perfect way?  What if this took a couple of tries to get it just right?  What if I receive what I focus on?












and even better

What if the speeding ticket was really good for me?

By Lynne Cory

What if we are being prepared for the next step/next level?  What if struggle helps us get there more quickly?  What if our guides are working in our behalf?  What if these scary situations cause us to look within?  In this case, perhaps my health may suffer if I do not slow my life down…

What if the pink light surrounded me?

By Lynne Cory

What if instead of choosing the white light to surround me, I choose pink? What if I envision myself encircled by a tall cylinder of pink illumination, as if I were inside a lipstick tube, extending above my head and below my feet? I notice how it radiates intense Divine Love energy out towards others and how it projects beautifully strong Heavenly energy inward toward myself.

Doreen Virtue   The Angel Therapy Handbook

What if the music makes a difference?

By Lynne Cory

What if gentle, up-lifting, soulful music playing in our home or workplace can actually act as a psychic screen, surrounding us with protective energy? What if it is also a clearing measure to remove negativity in stressful situations? What if we called upon the Archangel Sandalphon to help select the best music for various situations?

Doreen Virtue  The Angel Therapy Workbook

What if we stayed on the same page?

By Lynne Cory

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What if someone is attempting to engage me in an argument?  What if getting me upset will take the burden off of them because they are familiar with negativity and drama no matter who exhibits it?  What if they try a few other topics to see if they can push my buttons? What if I refuse to get upset and even agree with them and now they have no where to go with their anger?