What if we ate honey instead?

By Lynne Cory

Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if we are getting smarter in America and beginning to realize that our bodies metabolize corn sweetener differently than plain sugar and that it is one of the causes of our country’s mysterious weight gain?

What if we stopped purchasing these products and companies were forced to make them in a healthier way?


What if you cannot die wrong?

Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

By Lynne Cory

What if every death is perfectly suited to the person dying – the right time, age, place and method?

What if she has cancer 5 times but is not supposed to die at this time and she does not?

What if he is sitting up watching TV on his sofa and is killed by a random gunshot and if it wasn’t his right time, he would have been missed as he reached down to tie his shoe?

What if her infected hangnail took her down? What if he left in his sleep?

What if she has the latest news?

By Lynne Cory

What if gossip is just a lack of self confidence?  What if she has to be first on the scene with the latest news because it makes her feel better to know more than you if only for a short while?  What if she becomes lonely because people do not share with her as everyone knows she cannot keep anything to herself?

What if I merely observe?

By Lynne Cory

What if my life lesson is not to fix others so the universe brings me people to fix?  What if I put my energy into fixing myself first?  What if my life lesson is to feel good about myself and the universe surrounds me with people who feel bad about themselves?  What if I smile and am thankful for the challenges and know there is some growth still ahead for me?

What if there was a big reversal?

By Lynne Cory

What if everything we judged became the new “way to be”?
What if being able to live outside with few supplies became the thing to achieve?
What if working at a menial job was inspiring?
What if being very obese was envied?
What if the races some looked down on now were what we all wished we were?
What if my OLD car was the envy of the neighborhood?
What if happiness and peace remained “the constant”?

What if I get “so” tired?

By Lynne Cory

What if I try to cook only gourmet meals like Carol?
What if I try to have an amazing garden like Connie?
What if I always try to dress in high fashion like Alisa?
What if I try to exercise every day like Joeaux?
What if all of them are fabulous at this one thing and and let some of the other things slide?
What if I have given myself impossible standards by which to live?