What if she has had 15 surgeries?

By Lynne Cory

What if the main topic of all conversation is her poor health?  What if we get what we focus on and she can focus on nothing but what is wrong with her body?  What if someone gently mentioned this but she got very angry and defensive? What if she is very familiar with this topic and will continue on with her life creating ever declining health?  What if there are millions of things going right in her body but they are overlooked?

What if he should own a newspaper?

By Lynne Cory

What if an employee can hardly wait to get home to tell his family, friends and anyone that will listen about all the inner workings of his job?  What if his lack of confidence makes him the gossip that he has become because for just a brief moment he knows something that others do not and he then feels important?  What if very few feel comfortable sharing their experiences with him?

What if I love Danish modern style?

By Lynne Cory

What if I cannot get enough Mexican tile in my home or Japanese pottery and statuary from 500 years ago?  What if I love the heavy furniture and great clutter of the Victorian times?  What if one of my favorite past lives was in this location?  What if my soul memory is creating this comforting situation and my current consciousness does not even realize why I must decorate with this theme?



What if now she is off to Venice?

By Lynne Cory

What if a friend continually posts online, things she is acquiring and places she is going but I know that she is stretching the truth and sometimes lying about her life?  What if this poor soul needs acknowledgement so badly that she fabricates her life even though many would envy the great life she really has?  What if I can only send her love?

What if I have two sides?

By Lynne Cory

What if the right side of my body is my male, logical, professional side?  It is how I show up in life.

What if the left side of my body is my female, emotional side? It is how I show up to myself?

If my sides are unbalanced,  I can create bodily illness. If I have bodily illness in one side, this can help me to recognize the source.

What if we are just going through a cycle?

By Lynne Cory

What if the global warming we are experiencing is real to us but if we could see a measurement of our planet for the last 50,000 years, we could see that it gets colder and warmer and colder and warmer just like a pendulum?  What if our Earth knows how to regulate its temperature for its highest good and it is our duty to acclimate?

What if I walked around to your side of the table?

By Lynne Cory

What if before I judged another person, I tried to see their point of view?

What if another person is cranky but he is facing a serious surgery and is scared?

What if she seems distant and rude but actually is going into hibernation to protect her soul as her child has gotten into serious trouble or someone she loves has recently died?

What if they behave differently than I do when they encounter scary or sad situations and are doing the best they can?

What if some days we all get a piece of stale pie?

By Lynne Cory

What if when I am complaining I am creating suffering for myself and others? What if I cannot complain and be in the present moment at the same time?  What if this attitude sets up the next moment and then the next and by the following day I have created a physical illness?  What if the universe was trying to tell me something?

What if this leads to that?

By Lynne Cory

What if I learned to always enjoy and appreciate what is going on NOW in my life and because of my appreciation, I set up the next moments which are joyful and then the next until my entire day flows effortlessly?  What if this takes diligent  inner work to shift from worry and fear to thankfulness but it is certainly worth the effort?  What if it is always about me?  What if the outcome is how I see it will be-negative or positive?

What if guilt is a waste of time?

By Lynne Cory

What if we all did the best we could at the time even if we did something far less than admirable?  What if we were in fear from childhood beliefs or angry or needy or had the mental illness of narcissism and could not help ourselves from damaging others?  What if it is all co-created and each side learns from each experience?

What if I made myself stupid?

By Lynne Cory

What if my anger makes me stupid?  What if I then need to protect my view and close myself off from any other way of understanding a situation?  What if I dig my heels in and rant and rave about my strong belief?  What if I lose friends and family members because I feel they are thinking wrong?  What if this is a waste of my time?

What if my life is a movie?

By Lynne Cory

What if the actors in my life movie all have different roles that we preplanned before I was born?  What if you would lovingly be here from the beginning through to the end?  What if you were to die early and break my heart?  What if you encouraged me and she embezzled from me?  What if it was all about life experiences and I learned from each one?

What if the Earth is shifting?

By Lynne Cory

What if in 2017, the Earth is 66% light people and 33% lower vibrationals? What if with this shift, a brighter light is being shined on the negative and positive actions on our planet? What if animal cruelty and people cruelty is lessening.  What if it may not seem like it because so much more was done in darkness in the past?

What if we are from really different places?

By Lynne Cory

What if you come from the star system Arcturus and they come from Sirius and he is from an unnamed galaxy even further away?  What if we have all come to Earth to learn and grow? What if this is the fastest growing place of knowledge in the universe?  What if here I am able to think the same thing every day or spend all of my time expanding my mind?  What if here, no one can read our thoughts unless we share them?  What if here we are free to mix our thoughts with others for our own expansion?

What if I am making myself sick?

By Lynne Cory

What if I am raging at you for some injustice that I feel you are doing but my body cannot tell the difference and thinks I am hating myself?  What if my body always directs my emotion back to itself and because of this anger, my vibration lowers and soon illness can creep in.  What if I shifted my focus to something I love and appreciate and my health improved?

What if I know you are around?

By Lynne Cory

What if the veil between the realms is as thin as tissue paper?  What if the tears of those left behind can dissolve the paper so the dead can flow right through?  What if I can sense you are here by the many bird feathers I find and the scent of tobacco smoke where no one smokes?  What if I am happy to feel you and no longer need the tears?

What if I am right and you are wrong?

By Lynne Cory

What if different religions and spiritual practices preach that everyone in our group who does it our way will be saved but all of you outsiders will have to fend for yourselves when the end is near and you probably won’t make it?

What kind of compassion is that?

What if they are judgmental because they only like others to do it their way?

What if I am being judgmental because I only want others to do it my way?

What if there is a magical place where everyone is welcome as we each have gifts and talents to offer this planet?