What if I paid your bridge toll?

By Lynne Cory

What if I got a lot of joy each week by doing random, anonymous acts of kindness?

What if I left a $10.00 bill for someone to find or bought someone’s meal in a diner as I was walking out the door or left a nice surprise on someone’s porch or wrote a compliment about an employee and sent it or left a big tip?

What if these acts gave me more joy than the receiver and I could not stop smiling all day?

What if he always gave a five finger discount?

By Lynne Cory

What if Xavier sold our company items at a price where they might have been stolen?

What if we hired him and now are discovering many things are missing from our business inventory?  What if he has not changed but we were not using our integrity from the beginning.  What if this is true Karma?

What if global warming is taking us to the next level?

By Lynne Cory

What if as the water rises, we will need to depend on each other more and our many differences will not be an issue?  What if we learned to barter again and flushed valueless money down the drain?  What if all of our skills and talents were brought into the Light and all of us felt valued?

What if I ate guilt and got sick?

By Lynne Cory

What if I want a glass of wine or a dish of ice cream but feel guilty that it is bad for me and so it is?  What if I feel that this wine or ice cream will lower my stress and allow me an inner meditation and help me to appreciate all of the good in my life and so it does?  What if I feel good about what I put into my body and then my health will increase?  What if the emotion is key?

What if I asked my angels for a do-over?

By Lynne Cory

What if I feel that I messed up a situation that I could have handled much better?  What if I ask that this experience be backed up and redone for the highest good of all concerned? What if I simply accepted that I did the best I could with the knowledge and emotion that I had at the time and simply moved forward?

What if I am dirt poor and angry?

By Lynne Cory

What if in my past lifetime, I was wealthy and content?  What if I have been debilitatingly sick and then in another lifetime a star athlete?  What if I was a concert pianist once and lacked musical talent the next time?  What if there is nothing to judge because my soul is simply having different experiences for growth?  What if one experience is no better than the other?

What if I didn’t zoom around her?

By Lynne Cory

What if I was driving behind an older person who was driving very slowly and carefully?

What if instead of getting annoyed and thinking bad thoughts about her or honking and driving very close to her and scaring her, I instead imagined that she was my loving grandmother bravely going somewhere important and doing the best she could?

What if I sent her thoughts of love and placed angels of compassion and safety on her path?

What if I gave you my red Chanel bag?

By Lynne Cory

What if the more I give to others the happier I find I am becoming?

What if I give of my time or my love or some material object or my listening ear or my comforting thoughts and this makes a difference to the receiver?

What if it takes a little effort to give these things, perhaps I am short on time or really love the material thing, but I find that the outcome of my happiness far exceeds the gift?

What if we are tied together?

By Lynne Cory

What if I did something that hurt you and I did not have the self confidence to apologize and this kept us in each others’ energy in a negative and wearing way?

What if I started my apology in a letter that I did not send or in a meditation where we spoke from our hearts?

What if I surrounded us both with love?

What if soon I was able to speak verbally?


What if I want a tuna and olive sandwich?

By Lynne Cory                                    True Story

What if I was in line at the deli with three people ahead of me and a man behind me began standing close to my left shoulder and every step forward we took he moved 2 steps forward until he jumped right in front of me?

What if at first I was shocked and then began looking around for the TV cameras because I felt like this must be “Punked,” and then I decided that he must be the most perfectly rude man that I had ever seen? It was like looking at a rare flower.

What if now that I have lately encountered a few rude people and not gotten angry, my lesson is complete and there will rarely be a rude person who crosses my path?


What if I held on to my tongue with both hands?

By Lynne Cory

What if a woman I traveled with had said some exceptionally cruel things about another of our fellow travelers?

What if I knew that if I repeated her words, she would be alienated from the whole group?

What if I was having a hard time holding on to these telling words?

What if I saw myself open my mouth and watched as the angels came in and vacuumed all of the negativity off of my tongue?


What if his nose kept on growing?

By Lynne Cory

What if he was surrounded by people he felt he could not trust?

What if he lied constantly and was in the vibration of distrust and it could be no other way?

What if truth was his major lesson this time?

What if he tried the truth and failed a few times just as we do in riding a new bike?

What if he could finally tell the truth and found he would not die and honorable people began to surround him?

What if her nose was “in the air”?

By Lynne Cory

What if I have an acquaintance who was accomplishing many great things but she was giving off the vibration of a “know-it-all” and I was repelled by her energy?

What if I gave her some “heartfelt” praise about her wonderful accomplishments and watched with amazement as she became fun and friendly and showed her heart to me?

What if I acknowledged one who needed acknowledgment?

What if I missed a HUGE pothole?

By Lynne Cory

What if each morning I asked my angels to surround and protect me throughout my day? What if because of this, I did not even see the mugger who passed me and looked at someone else or the car that veered out of control after I drove by or many other averted catastrophes?

What if my days are uneventful because “they” are working diligently behind the scenes?

What if I did not know the importance?

By Lynne Cory

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What if I have an outside business and a middle aged man and his mentally challenged 6’2″ son come in about once a month and walk around for about a half hour?  What if I am always glad to see these two angels but recently learned that they speak of their visits for many weeks before they come?  What will they see, will they buy anything, will there be any dogs to pet and who will be there?  What if the dad tells me that he is giving the mom a little break? What if I double-appreciated the health of my family?

What if her stress is unbearable?

By Lynne Cory

What if Nancy craves drama?  What if she is stressing because her neighbor’s cousin’s brother is about to have back surgery?  What if her gardener’s next door neighbor was in a bad car accident?  What if her dry cleaner’s sister is getting a divorce? What if she cannot sleep at night because of all this turmoil?  What if she does NOT know any of these people?