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By Lynne Cory
What if the best gift I can give you is be healthy and happy?
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
By Lynne Cory
What if the best gift I can give you is be healthy and happy?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if he thought that hell is here on Earth and life is a struggle and everything is hard and there is danger all around and people are out to get him and steal his stuff and it never gets any better until we die?
What if because he believed it was that way, that was the way it was for him?
What if he believed that when he died, he would go to heaven and everything would be perfect and his life would be a paradise and it was? Frank
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if I encounter a person who has a lot of negativity to get rid of and they do this by complaining to me?
What if while they are spewing, I create a “cosmic” garbage can in my mind and stand behind it? And what if, as they continue on with their tirade, I envision all of their negativity going into my can and then none gets on me?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if I am praying and imagining and focusing on something I want very badly and I am very specific about how I want it to come and how it will look when it gets here?
What if instead of trying to be in control of the situation, I asked that “the best be done for the highest good for me” and let go of the reins and watched as my desires arrived in a surprising but even better way than I could ever imagine? Marlene
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if whenever I purchased an item to bring into my home, I cleared or blessed it to release any sadness, worry, stress or exhaustion that may have been infused into this product from the people creating it? What if the people making this product are often underpaid, overworked and sometimes abused and that energy stays in the product?
What if someday the majority of us could actually feel this energy and decided to avoid purchasing these products until the people making them were treated fairly and humanely as all souls deserve to be treated? Connie
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if I have the skill to astrally travel to Arcturus or the Pleiades or other planets or universes but I am here to learn and grow and if I was supposed to learn from there, I would have been born there? Maybe next time?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if I meditated every day and because of the important information that I received, I grew spiritually the equivalent of five lifetimes in this one lifetime?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright: gala2205 / 123RF Stock Photo
What if I encountered a lady who was rude and hostile and I felt myself beginning to match her mood? What if I caught myself and exited the situation and remembered that she was a teacher for me and because I did not sink to her level, I passed this little test?
What if I compassionately thought of her with a knowing that she has created a rough road on which to travel? What if it is not up to me to change her?
Copyright: johan2011 / 123RF Stock Photo
By Lynne Cory
What if I am worried about a situation and it drags on and on?
What if I can allow a situation with a knowing that it will work out as it is meant to and it rushes by quickly?
What if when I am happy and joyful, time passes at an amazing speed?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright: mab0440 / 123RF Stock Photo
What if I asked the Universe for a daily gift and then waited and watched in fun anticipation? What if soon a white butterfly landed on a purple bush 1 foot from my side and I smiled in thanks? What if I received a lovely compliment or an old dear friend called or someone gave me the gift of a big cookie or my favorite song played on the radio? What if the more I noticed these treasures, the more they poured into my life?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright: reddogs / 123RF Stock Photo
What if it my job to explore my inner workings and why I behave and react to various situations and people in the ways that I do? What if I do this with a curious mind?
What if it is your job to explore you?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright: iguanasbear / 123RF Stock Photo
What if my health is simply a reflection of my thoughts? What if I feel my life is always hard and soon poor health follows? Perhaps I am filled with anger or always act the victim.
What if I have the gift to appreciate even the smallest things in my life and it flows smoothly? What if I feel I create my own experiences and that those who challenge me are great teachers?
Perhaps we have similar life experiences but how we handle them determines our future health.
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if I try and prove to another that my ways are the correct ways and the more I argue the more they dig in stubbornly? What if they finally give in see my way but their resentment shows up? What if it is OK to have differing opinions and a gentle give and take allows us each to learn and grow?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if this morning as I was fixing my hair, it just went in all the wrong ways and looked such a mess that I did not even want to go outside?
What if I was preparing to take my good friend to her first day of chemotherapy? What if because of the chemo she could potentially lose all of her hair in an effort to save her life?
What if what she was facing made me appreciate that I even had hair and put what is really important in perspective?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if there are projects (my house is a mess, my yard is overgrown, my office work is in multiple piles, the craft projects are stacked on tables) that have become so overwhelming that I am frozen and just sit and watch TV when I am home?
What if this morning, I decide to clean one kitchen drawer or weed one small section of the garden or work on one office project for just 10 minutes and then appreciate myself for this success?
What if the next day I went a little further and before long I was amazed at my accomplishment?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if I am in a group where there is a person who wants to control the entire situation from where everyone must sit, to what we will all have for lunch, to what the subject of conversation will be and when and where we will meet the next time?
What if this drives me crazy and makes me angry? What if I might be a bit controlling also? What if I am wanting to control a controller?
What if this does not bother me and I just observe the controller and the situation with a slight smile and quietly decide if I want to experience this again?
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
By Lynne Cory
What if I made it a habit to learn something new every day?
What if I created a new recipe or watched a documentary or a remembered a word in another language or asked the history of a friend or found a new computer skill or meditated and learned something about ME?
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
By Lynne Cory
What if it was a healthy habit to leave the table feeling like I could still eat a little more?
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
by Lynne Cory
What if the only reason I want the new car, the more spacious home, the better job, the fancy pet, the continuous travel, the fabulous painting, the latest style of clothing or the expensive jewelry is because I know it will make me feel better?
What if I just learned “how to feel better” and found that I did not need as much stuff as I thought I needed?
What if it is OK to enjoy all of the lovely things this planet has to offer if I am amassing them for the right reason and only I know what is best for me?
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
By Lynne Cory
What if I loved you so much that I could release you to have the most joy and the best life possible, today?
What if in a past life, when we were together, you did the same thing for me?
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
by Lynne Cory
What if it is OK to have everything I want but over the years I have amassed a lot? What if I have six houses but rarely have time to enjoy any of them and just write checks each month to the gardeners, pool people and housekeepers? What if I have so many antiques that my home looks like a store and the dusting job is overwhelming? What if I have so many shoes that I can never find the ones I want to wear? What if I have such a great quantity of food that it is just rotting in my cabinets and garage before I can use it? What if I have 12 cars and the batteries are wearing down because I do not have time to drive them all? What if I have too much money and now my time is filled with accountants and checking statements but I worry that someone will steal it so I bury myself in the paperwork? What if I love animals but now my home is overrun with too many and I do not have the time to give them the care or attention they deserve? What if I amass so many friends but do not have enough time to enjoy any of them?
What if I begin to simplify my life and get a little more balance and instead of accumulating more, find joy in de-cumulating a little each day and watch as life just gets better and better?
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
By Lynne Cory
What if in the United States, we are creating a big Karma and those generations in the future will have to deal with it?
What if a shift happens and both Mexico and all of South America become THE best places to live on this continent but we North Americans are not allowed across the border and if we do manage to cross somehow, we are looked down on and only given menial jobs to support ourselves?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if borrowing a bottle of nail polish from your manicurist and not returning it is the same as getting paid for 8 hours and goofing off for 2 or embezzling $50,000 from a company or cheating on your taxes?
What if stealing is stealing, no matter how much you take or who you take it from?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if a friend and I are both in the process of getting loan modifications and we started about the same time?
What if I have been making my payments and sending paperwork and waiting patiently for an answer for the last 6 months?
What if he stopped making his payments and continually scrambles to find paperwork they request and get last years taxes done and is terrifying himself when the foreclosure letters come and the sale pending signs are posted on his door?
What if we have differnent ways of doing things and different things to learn?
What if I like calm and he thrives on drama?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if I pretend that everything I want is already here for me?
What if the Universe cannot tell between what I am imagining or what is actually in the physical form already?
What if that is all it takes to manifest?
By Lynne Cory
What if as I was sitting at the foot of my good friend during her chemo treatment, the thought came to me: could hair loss during chemo be just a belief?
What if we were told by our doctors and nurses and pharmacists, who were trying to be helpful and informative, that we would surely lose our hair, and so after chemo we kept checking our head throughout the following weeks and each time we saw a strand fall out, which might be just natural, we knew it was coming?
What if because we focused so much on our hair loss and got scared of it happening and tightened up our scalp in fear that we actually created this loss?
What if we just could not get on top of this long-standing belief and our hair fell out?
What if we relaxed and focused on something that brought us joy and happiness and appreciation of our life?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if one of the most precious gifts I could give you was my silence?
What if when I am quiet, I can really hear you?
Bless you.
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if I softened my approach when I am communicating with another person whose ideas I feel are incorrect?
What if instead of saying, “You are wrong, that will never work,” I said, “That is an interesting way of seeing it and we could also try this as well,” and then really listened to them?
What if improving my communication skills made my life much easier and we both got what we wanted?
What if their way really was the better way?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if you find yourself clutching tightly to something or someone that you fear will go away if you let go?
What if because your grip is so strong, you crush what you were trying to hold on to?
What if because you are holding on so tightly, you are unable to open your hand to receive anything else?
What if when you release your grip, the thing you were holding falls away and soon you are able to hold something even better?
What if it is all about trusting that whatever you need is there for you to have?