What if I gave away what I wanted?

By Lynne Cory

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What if I give what I want to get?

What if I listen if I want to be heard?

What if I compliment you if I want to be acknowledged?

What if I become more loving if I want to be loved?

What if I show compassion to others to receive compassion?

What if I help you and then you help me?

What if we both share with each other?

Connie Jackson

What if I am not from here?

By Lynne Cory

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Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if most of us have migrated from other planets and galaxies to help with the transition of Mother Earth?

What if that is the reason we gravitate towards a few others in a crowded room of strangers, because we are from the same home turf ?

What if I can’t see the signs?

By Lynne Cory

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What if I know that all day, every day, signs (people saying things, thoughts in my head, messages in a book, songs on the radio, etc.) are being shown to me to help guide me in the easiest direction on my path through life but I often cannot see them?

What if since the other side has the capability of showing me these signs, they also have the capability of making the signs a little stronger so I can see them?

What if I just need to ask: please give me the wisdom to view that which you are showing me?

What if I rush?

By Lynne Cory

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What if I am supposed to be there in 5 minutes but it is a 20-minute drive on a day with no traffic? What if I encounter red lights and stalled cars and heavy traffic?

What if I just take a breath and remember that everything is in Divine Order and I will arrive at the perfect time and that the Universe has arranged for me to be “here” exactly at this time and place?

What if this stall is to help me avoid an accident or to arrange a chance encounter or non-encounter with another and the whole situation is for my highest good?

What if you keep your big bowl of spaghetti off of my tray?

By Lynne Cory

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What if life is like being a waitress carrrying a huge tray of food overhead?

What if all of my life responsibilities and burdens and fears are on my tray?

What if you try to add all of your plates to my tray and make my life more difficult or perhaps you choose to help me carry it?

What if you carried your own tray?

What if she lost her passport in Russia?

By Lynne Cory

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What if on a recent trip to the Hermitage Museum, our guide repeatedly told us to look out for pickpockets and one woman was skillfully robbed of her wallet while in the middle of our group?

What if I heard her say many times: it will probably be me that loses my luggage or gets stopped at the airport or gets lost in the crowd?

What if she “unconsciously” set herself up for this shock?

What if the pickpockets were kind in Russia and within a few minutes her wallet was found at lost and found with everything but her money and she could continue traveling with no interruption?

What if she just doesn’t care?

By Lynne Cory

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Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if there are people walking on this planet who lack the ability to show compassion and who take no responsibility for how they leave a path of hurt and devastation behind them?

What if those of us with a conscience repeatedly try to please them and help them and even think we are at fault for awhile?

What if the best course is to get quickly away from them because as they have no conscience they will never “get it”?

What if a mean one is good for me?

By Lynne Cory

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Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if I honor every person in my life regardless of whether they make me feel good or bad or help me or hurt me?

What if those who hurt me and make my emotions flare are actually my best teachers with their difficult college classes in anger 1A, abandonment 2B, need for acknowledgment, rejection and resentment, as they push my emotional buttons and mirror my feelings that have been buried for so many years?

What if I can tell if I am doing well in a class when I do not respond in a mean way and give thanks and appreciation to the teacher?

What if my city was bombed while I was away?

By Lynne Cory

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Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if I feel that this world is a safe and loving and supportive place and that has been my life experience?

What if others think this world is dangerous and scary and so it is for them?

What if my belief helps me to “walk between the raindrops” and not get wet?

What if there is a murder in one place but I am two hours away or an accident 20 minutes after I pass through or a widespread sickness but I stay well?

What if I said “No thank you” to the brie?

By Lynne Cory

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Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if the various religions of the world helped those who practiced them?

What if everyone’s beliefs could be honored by everyone?

What if church was like cheese – you like manchego and he likes brie and she loves Velveeta and they adore string cheese and she prefers no cheese?   Isn’t that OK?



What if you made 100 people smile?

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By Lynne Cory

What if I was going to the gas station and saw 25 day laborers sitting on a low fence waiting for someone to offer them jobs?

What if I saw a pick-up truck come in and open up the back and give coffee and warm breakfasts to all of them?

What if when I left, they were all eating and smiling and the men in the pick-up were feeling great and I am still smiling over this kindness and everyone I tell seems to get motivated to help others?

What if my smile added 35 years?

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By Lynne Cory

What if something we say to another can change or save their life?

What if we took a moment to give a brief helping hand or a heart-felt compliment or called to say hello or listened to your story or smiled as we walked past you?

What if we cannot tell the impact we have on another to help them through their day?

What if I was a 6′ tall Russian model?

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By Lynne Cory

What if before we come to Earth, we go before a council that helps us choose our birthplace and eye and hair color and body shape and parents and relatives and the lessons and talents we will master in the forthcoming lifetime?

What if what we look like and how we are gifted are chosen to give us the best possibility of achieving what we came to learn?

What if I gave you $3.27?

By Lynne Cory

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Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if we treated strangers like our family?

What if I saw the older generation as if they were my parents and grandparents and our generation as if they were my sisters and brothers and the younger generation as if they were my children and grandchildren?

Would we have a little more patience and compassion or offer help if we saw someone struggling and if we thought of them as a family member? If I saw a teenager short of a little money at the checkout line, would I ignore her if she was my granddaughter? Would I honk, impatiently, at an older driver if it was my grandfather?

What if I went to Ady’s fabulous play?

By Lynne Cory

6302611_sWhat if I was in a big city, walking the evening streets on my way to a fabulous one-woman show, watching the limousines pass by with their fancy occupants and the tired workers heading home after a long day at their stressful jobs and the homeless leaning on their shopping carts or sitting in the doorways?

What if instead of envying some or pitying others, I realize that every person is exactly where they are supposed to be for their learning and growth? What if I cannot see it but everything is in Divine Order?                                 Frank/Marilyn

What if there was a “magic turnstyle” just up the road?

By Lynne Cory

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Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if I have a little business and sometimes I sit there for hours with little to do and then 15 people come in all at the same time and both phones are ringing, and I feel bad because I cannot give them the personal service I want to give and they deserve?

What if I now set the intention on my way to work that people will come by in an orderly fashion so that I can help all of them?

What if am amused today about how 1 or 2 people are coming in continually and the phones are ringing when no customers are present and I have the time to help each one gratefully?