By Lynne Cory
What if my neighbor was praying that her alcoholic husband would find help?
What if he got arrested for a DUI and was forced into rehab?
What if the Universe was answering both of their prayers?
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By Lynne Cory
What if there is the same value in helping my child or helping my neighbor or helping a homeless person or an animal in need? What if helping is helping?
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By Lynne Cory
What if I am an “unborn” soul choosing to come to Earth and have picked a loving set of parents to help me when I arrive?
What if when I get here, I find that I am just not quite ready to stay in this dense energy and must return? What if my parents find me lifeless in my crib and blame themselves for doing something wrong?
What if nothing is wrong and I am sad for making them sad but I just could not stay and I know that I will see them again someday?
By Lynne Cory
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What if he lost his job and his home and his girlfriend all in one week?
What if this made him sit up and take notice and because he began to stand on his own two feet, his life changed and he ended up in a flowery meadow on the corner of Success Avenue and Easy Street?
By Lynne Cory
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What if each day instead of sad, dramatic, fearful experiences, we shared our happy, fun, joy-filled stories?
By Lynne Cory
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What if I could not see your anger, sadness, fear, jealousy, struggle, beauty, compassion or joy if I did not have it in myself?
What if you are helping me to see a better view of myself and where I might focus more for healing?
By Lynne Cory
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What if each day, I put an imaginary golden line of love on the floor: around my body or in front of my desk or across my front door or the gate to my business?
What if I set the intention that no one with negative purposes can cross this line?
What if I watch with amusement when the power of this line begins working immediately? Connie Jackson
By Lynne Cory
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What if one of my friends has a hurt ankle and she focuses on that ankle and complains to everyone about it and stops her life for weeks and the ankle gets worse or slowly improves?
What if another of my friends has stage 4 cancer and she goes to her chemo and rests a few days and then is back living life to the fullest with laughter and love and her health improves each day?
What if each person is perfect and life unfolds by how we look at it? For Paule
By Lynne Cory
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What if there are blocks to my joy all along my path but I am just walking over them and not living the full life that I deserve?
What if there is guilt or rejection or fear ruining my day even if I walk through it with a big smile and all I need do is a little investigation into where this is coming from and once it is seen, it disappears?
By Lynne Cory
What if there are many doorways to inner Earth throughout the planet such as Mount Shasta, the Bermuda Triangle or Machu Picchu? What if there is something going on in there?
What if there is a lot more about our planet that we have not discovered?
What if we once thought the Earth was flat until someone discovered it was round and in the future we will discover other amazing things that we cannot even imagine today?
By Lynne Cory
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What if I often speak and feel and write of my future wants and desires as if they had already happened and then watch with a smile when they “soon” appear?
Connie Jackson
By Lynne Cory
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What if my husband is angry with our child and stubbornly will not speak to him?
What if I am angry with my husband and stubbornly will not speak to him? Are we not the same?
What if I allowed them both their lessons and loved them both and sent them healing love and stayed out of their business?
By Lynne Cory
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What if we are all doing the best that we can with our history and knowledge?
What if we gave others the benefit of the doubt that they are doing their best also?
By Lynne Cory
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What if “grades don’t measure intelligence and age doesn’t define maturity”?
A Peaceful Warrior/FB
By Lynne Cory
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What if I “see no evil” in others or myself?
What if I “hear no evil” about others or myself?
What if I “speak no evil” about others or myself?
What if their advice makes my life much easier?
By Lynne Cory
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What if “my” cup of acknowledgment is FULL and I can compliment you with a heartfelt thought that you can feel and it will ROCK YOUR SOUL?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if everything that we see and smell and hear and taste is an illusion that we are creating?
What if we have the power to create our lives to our own wanting and what we believe we deserve, we create?
By Lynne Cory
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What if a friend is always late or forever ill or in the center of one drama/trauma after another which takes up all of our communication time? What if they are continually interrupting with their point of view?
What if, subconsciously, they are crying out for the attention they did not feel they got as a child which continues today?
What if I love them and give them the attention they need? What if I cannot as it is too draining for me and we part ways?
By Lynne Cory
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What if everything in our life is connected? If I have personal problems it may affect my business. If I have business problems it may affect my health. If I have health problems it may show up in my home or my business or both.
By Lynne Cory
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What if I am going along, full speed ahead, and creating the wonderful things I want and then I notice nothing more happening?
What if I also notice that I am cruelly judging others and feeling a little “better than” everyone else?
What if with these mean thoughts, my vibration is lowering, and all of my desires go on hold until I can get back on track again?
By Lynne Cory
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What if I was seated at a large table with a group of loving friends and a woman we did not know very well came and joined us?
What if as we all chatted amongst ourselves, we noticed that this lady had the need to top every subject we mentioned? What if she had done it better or with more important people or in front of a larger crowd and all of her conversation was about her and her many amazing accomplishments?
What if we all found ourselves drifting away from the table as the lady went on and on about her accomplishments?
What if this sweet lady needed acknowledgment badly but did not “get the memo” that you need to give what you want to get? What if I had been like this once?
Copyright: ragnarocks / 123RF Stock Photo
By Lynne Cory
What if we can complain because rose bushes have thorns or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses? Abraham Lincoln
By Lynne Cory
What if as I cross the gate going into my business, I sprinkle an imaginary line of golden sprinkles across the entrance and set the intention that only those who cross will come here with joy and fun? And then watch that anyone in a cranky mood will come in another day and anyone who might try to cheat us will not be able to find our location?
By Lynne Cory
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What if love blinds us to people’s faults but hate blinds us to their virtues?
Hemaxi Patel
By Lynne Cory
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What if the more you thank life, the more life gives you to be thankful for?
Positivity Toolbox/Facebook
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By Lynne Cory
What if I went to school to learn one thing and became very good at it?
What if I found that I got a lot of joy from doing something totally different but did not think I could support myself?
What if the joy to my heart was a big enough payment to shift to my new way of being?
What if I was once an attorney and now I am a ballet teacher?
By Lynne Cory
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What if when an egg is broken by an outside force, life ends?
What if when an egg is broken by an inside force, life begins?
What if great things happen from the inside?
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By Lynne Cory
What if addictions were created to help people feel better than they previously did? What if no one judged them or looked down on them and once they began to feel better they were able to choose healthier ways of life?
What if the harsh judgments by family and friends and the jail sentences and the humiliation were actually worse for the person than their choice of how to feel better?
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By Lynne Cory
What if it takes a lot of energy to be a victim and live in the past or to be frustrated or to feel helpless or angry?
What if it is easier to focus on “right now, this minute” and be happy and grateful for where I am now?
What if happiness breeds more happiness?
By Lynne Cory True Story
What if this week I was helping a friend with an important “medical” procedure that lasted seven hours, and four hours in I felt like falling asleep?
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What if I went out into the hallway and took a few breaths and called on my guides and angels and her guides and angels and asked them to give me the energy I needed to complete the task and within one minute I noticed I was ready to return feeling great?