What if distractions can be good?

By Lynne Cory


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What if the Universe is always helping us if we will just listen? I was driving toward my girlfriend to escort her on her first day of chemotherapy and I got hopelessly lost because the freeway had closed and she had to spend 20 minutes guiding me to the hospital on all of the back roads.

What if that took her mind off of her procedure and showed her how great she is with directions?

What if we are looking in the wrong direction?

By Lynne Cory

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Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if our scientists are diligently studying how the Nazca lines, pyramid-shaped structures in many places in the world, Stonehenge, Easter Island and other unexplained structures have been created by man?

What if eons ago, other planets had helped us create our world and these are the remains of that assistance?

What if it is “want” or “die”?

By Lynne Cory

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Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if, as humans on the planet, we need to keep wanting or we will die?

What if you want “more of more”: a fancy car, more money, an amazing home or homes, more travel or education or possessions or friends or a fast promotion?

What if I want “more of less”: a quiet life, a smaller home, a fuel-efficient car, emptier closets and drawers, a simple life with fewer possessions, being a helping hand to others and the enjoyment of a few good loving friends?

What if I have seven appointments today?

By Lynne Cory

Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if I am always busy going here and rushing there and filling every waking moment with work and sports and hobbies and meetings and charities and classes?

What if I am actually running away from myself?

What if I stopped and took a breath and found that I am actually quite a nice person and if I slowed down, just a bit, I could find my inner wisdom?

What if this is just a habit?

By Lynne Cory

Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if some people struggle all of their lives because that is how it has always been?

What if, over and over, they make decisions that will cause them problems – not paying parking tickets that then multiply in price, not filing their taxes when they owe nothing but not doing this adds stress, not paying their gardeners or housekeepers on time but still wanting timely service, borrowing money from friends and not repaying it while living in a wonderful home with a new car?

What if all I can do is to see them learning these lessons that they have chosen and hope that they “get it” before the lessons become too hard and they lose everything?

What if they are perfect and these life experiences are for their learning and growth?

What if we will be sorry?

By Lynne Cory

Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if I was watching a documentary on my TV about how TVs were made in Mexico? What if it showed how three of the popular TV makers took their businesses to Mexico and grossly underpaid the workers there and poured many of their toxic chemicals into the water making the people ill and then left a mess that no one could afford to clean up and then, like a herd of locusts, flew off to Indonesia to abuse the people there?

What if this is right on the border near San Diego and the chemicals start oozing into the land and air of this country? What if the TV makers have big homes there and their families fall ill?