What if no bad deed goes unpunished?

By Lynne Cory

What if our tour guide thought he got one over on us by adding all sorts of fees and charges after we had already paid him in full and were in his country waiting for our tour to begin?  What if our travel agent was able to keep a big smile as she guided her many clients to another tour guide from then on?

What if the fifth dimension is a whole, new party?

By Lynne Cory

What if in this dimension, we are immediately shown our Karma-good and not so good?

What if we are also given bleeps of future information, no addictions, radiant health, a Divine connection, feeling others hearts with empathy, little use for material things, a goal of helping others, ability to speak with animals and plants, a youthful demeanor, peacefulness, a goal of helping others, a great appreciation of life, recognition of our true intentions and living in the moment?

What if I do not need to feel bad?

By Lynne Cory

What if the universe has set up all of the situations I encounter for my lessons and growth?  What if they bring in kind people and mean people and sweet people and rude people and it is up to me as to how I react to the situation?  What if I get many chances to succeed?  What if once I recognize the lesson, I have passed the test?

What if he is putting on a great show?

By Lynne Cory

What if a person is creating a function because they desire recognition?  What if their function goes amazingly well and makes them a lot of money?  What if their ego gets in the way and the next time they try this the universe slams them?  What if they give credit to others as well as themselves and with humbleness go on to repeat this great success?  What if the whole thing is a lesson?

What if there were three ladies?

By Lynne Cory

What if three housekeepers worked at the same hotel and did the same job and one got few tips, one got average tips and one got “over the top” tips?  What if one had a victim mentality and thought nothing good ever happens to me and she was right? What if the other just did her job and took what came?  What if the third one loved life and all of the gifts and adventures it brought?

What if I took it to the next level?

By Lynne Cory

What if I got serious about my spiritual growth?  What if I stopped my addictions and sat and acknowledged my loneliness, boredom, stress, frustration or whatever else showed up?  What if I meditated every day to learn more about myself?  What if I ate only healthy foods with consciousness and enjoyment and took a gentle walk in nature?  What if I observed more and interacted less?  What if my growth soared beyond my beliefs?

What if I got what I thought?

By Lynne Cory

What if I was invited to a dinner and knew that a negative, needy person was also attending and found myself saying “I hope they don’t sit next to me” and slapped myself on the head because I knew I was creating this exact experience?  What if I shifted my thinking to “I hope I sit between two fun people” knowing that either the needy one would sit somewhere else or she would be fun if she sat next to me?

What if one day they all said “we are outta here”?

By Lynne Cory?

What if there are no shortages of certain types of fish in the ocean?  What if they just got tired of being trapped and killed in nets where lots of other ocean life were destroyed as well?  What if one morning they decided to move their schools to another area in our vast oceans where they are living happily?

What if I looked the other way?

By Lynne Cory

What if I stayed out of other people’s repetitive dramas as it is their lesson to learn?  Do they always have someone causing them frustration?  Cannot others ever do it right?  Does everyone always let them down?  What if I made no comment and listened briefly and went on with my day?  What if they found someone else who wanted to listen?

What if the money must flow like the ocean waves?

By Lynne Cory

What if I gave up my worries that “I won’t have enough” and allow the door to open to all I need?  What if I do not need to hoard my money for that rainy day?  What if I have always had enough food to eat and a place to live and I always will?  What if once I know this in my heart, I can enjoy life even more?