What if I just have to have it?

By Lynne Cory

What if I want something so badly and I am spending a lot of my time focusing on it and hoping for it and praying that it comes and imagining it is already here and saying daily affirmations about it and the darn thing just does not come or happen and I am becoming angry and frustrated?

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What if I just took a breath and relaxed and soon something even more amazing showed up and now I can see that it was for my highest good that the original thing was not supposed to happen?

What if it is delivered when I am ready?

By Lynne Cory

What if the universe knows the correct timing for our desires and even if we say we are ready, if it has not yet appeared, we are not ready?

My niece had her heart set on a dream home nearby.  She had the  money and the desire.  A mystic told her once she put her hand on the doorknob, the home would be hers.  It took her 10 plus years to touch the doorknob and two weeks later the big home was hers.

For Alisa

What if I am stuck on the sofa?

By Lynne Cory 

What if migraine headaches can be caused by overthinking about what I did or did not do that made me emotionally uncomfortable?  What if I cured myself by forgiving myself and believing that I did the best I could at the time and thanked the Universe for the lesson?  What if the next time the lesson appeared, I thanked myself for handling it just a little better and faster and appreciated my growth?

What if this is just a 10 act play?

By Lynne Cory

What if in this lifetime, I am an evil, cutthroat, heartless bastard who only grabs for myself and cares not at all for others?  What if I am hated by all who know and fear me?

What if in this next lifetime, I choose to be loving, compassionate and helpful to everyone I encounter and just mentioning my name makes people feel good inside?

What if I get a Universal Academy Award for playing each part so well? What if there is nothing to judge as my soul is just learning?

What if a smile is the best accessory?

By Lynne Cory

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What if the statement, “You are never fully dressed until you are wearing a smile,” is true?

What if Molly has on the finest clothing and shoes and jewelry but a grouchy, arrogant, miserable face to go with this ensemble?

What if Paul has on worn out, shabby clothing and a loving warm smile to top it off? Who is the better dressed on the planet?              Sue

What if I chose the linoleum myself?

By Lynne Cory                                      True Story

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What if I was the type of person who knew what I wanted and went out and bought it and was, almost always, happy with my choice?

What if I owned a little store and a customer came in to buy something small but could not make up her mind and spent 2 hours asking me my opinion and trying to choose and finally left empty-handed only to return another day with three friends and agonzied over the choice but once again could not decide and on the third visit returned with her son and husband and struggled and strained for hours more but still could not make up her mind?

What if instead of judging her for all of my time she took up with her lack of self-confidence, I appreciated her for the gift she gave me of feeling fortunate to have my confidence?

What if we “gossiped” about you?

By Lynne Cory

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What if another lady and I were sitting on the couch at our meditation group and were talking about the others in the group? What if we spoke of what a gifted doctor she was and what a profound teacher she was and how her cheesecake cupcakes are the best and we know the book she just wrote will be great and what a great new mom she will be and we hope to one day see the amazing jewelry she creates and what a gift she has at the computer?

What if both of us smiled as the class began?     Colleen

What if some men like men?

By Lynne Cory

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What if some men like men? What if some women like women? What if some men like women and some women like men and some people like both?

What if some people like cats? What if some people like dogs? What if some people like cats and dogs?

What if everything was just fine and there was nothing to judge?

What if I yell at you from the pulpit?

By Lynne Cory

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What if I am up here on my raised platform preaching hell and damnation and fire and brimstone and punishment and reward because that is what has been done for centuries, to control my followers?

What if I got a message in a dream to try speaking love and compassion, hope and encouragement and the Golden Rule, and within a few weeks the number of my followers began to increase and then it was standing room only when I spoke?

What if I am selfish and content?

By Lynne Cory

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What if we were all a little more selfish and that made us all a little happier? What if my choices during the day were about what makes me happy instead of what makes you happy, within reason and integrity? (I have the choice of watching my grandson’s play or going to your cocktail party and I choose the play.) (I can go out to a movie with you or stay home in quiet – what feels better for me?)   (I can ignore the ringing phone or enjoy our conversation.)

What if I cannot do enough to make another happy?

What if the best gift I can give the earth is to be happy?

What if you couldn’t help me?

By Lynne Cory

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What if I have the belief that people who cannot receive will create an illness that will force them to receive and I get kind of annoyed with them when they cannot just say thank you and receive for their own health?

What if I notice that with everyone who gives me a beautiful gift of a thing or their time or talents, I am always searching for something wonderful to repay them? What if I had better learn to just say thank you and receive as I have been preaching to others to do?

For Eloise

What if there is magic somewhere?

By Lynne Cory

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What if what we see is not all that there is on this planet: people going to work and coming home and doing errands and making meals and buying things and watching TV and doing homework and doing laundry and dishes and working in their yards day after day after day after day?

What if there is a lot more going on here and we have just not discovered where the little door to walk through is located?

What if we were amazed when we found that magic door? What if meditation was the key?

What if there was nothing more but what if there is a great deal more?


What if I am sinking to the bottom?

By Lynne Cory

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What if one of the secrets of this life was to imagine it how I want it to be?

What if when I felt myself sinking into despair or worry or terror, I sat myself down and took a few deep breaths and began to focus in the direction of how I want things to be?

What if all it took to shift my thinking was to say, “Wouldn’t it be nice if…” or “Each day I grow closer to…” and soon I arrived at my destination of peaceful thinking and a peaceful life?

What if my friend changed gender?

By Lynne Cory

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What if I have a friend who was once a man but is now a woman?

What if for the last few lifetimes my friend was a woman and came into this lifetime as a male but the cellular memory of the physical body was so strong that he never felt comfortable as a male and finally resorted to the gender where she was the most comfortable? What if, like all of us, he or she was just trying to be happy?

for Terri and Sean


What if I want a second glass of champagne?

By Lynne Cory

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What if addictions (alcohol, drugs, gambling, shopping, eating, exercising, working) help to keep us going until we can get on track and find our way going in a healthier direction?

What if sometimes we do not get on track in time?

What if it does not matter as it is all about our learning and growth?