What if a new ailment is on the horizon?

15563283_sBy Lynne Cory

What if because of the new social media, many of us rarely interface with one another but merely text or email or Facebook each other as our primary means of communication? What if because we can edit and delete before we send, the other person never sees the real us? What if when we meet in person, I can see and feel how you really are? What if loneliness is the new common ailment of many?

What if I saw my friend with droopy leaves?

By Lynne Cory

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Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if I took the time to visualize another person as a rose to get a feeling for how she was doing?

What if she is bright yellow and cheery or wilted in the corner or all alone in the garden or taller and stronger than any other plant or broken in half or exuding a fabulous fragrance or wrapped tightly around a stick or growing there peacefully?

What if I wake up smiling?

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Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

By Lynne Cory

What if it is important to remember how we feel when we wake up from a dream?

What if I am the only one who can interpret my dreams as I am the one who knows what each symbol personally represents? What if books and others can guide me and give me their input but the final meaning comes from my inner knowledge?

What if dreams help us balance our day and process our inner emotions?

Leon Nacson

What if a happy journey has a happy ending?

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Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

By Lynne Cory

What if I am struggling to get a loan modification and because I am struggling, the process is giving me a struggle?

What if instead of being frustrated by all the paperwork they require, I found satisfaction in a finished application?

What if instead of worry that I might not get it, I felt appreciation for any money they will help me save?

What if I felt anger at how long this was taking and then realized that everything comes to me at the perfect time?


What if I used a big flashlight?

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Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

By Lynne Cory

What if I feel that I have lost something and I search and search for this lost object?

What if because I feel it is lost and focus on lost, the object cannot show up as my vibration is on “lost” and the universe will give me lost?

What if I give up the search and allow it to show up at the perfect time and a bit later it appears?

What if I pay attention?

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Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

By Lynne Cory

What if there are no coincidences and the Universe is working day and night to surround me with things for my highest growth?

What if I meet someone I don’t like – for my growth?

What if I have an unusual experience – for my growth?

What if I begin to listen and smile at the lessons and gifts coming my way?

What if I only eat “organically”?

By Lynne Cory

Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if I only eat what I consider to be the highest quality food yet I still get sick or feel low much of my day?

What if my body is telling me that I need to rest or to think brighter thoughts or to be kinder to others or to release some of my possessions that are weighing me down or to put more balance in my life?

What if nutrition is only part of the package?