What if I am stuck here like glue?

By Lynne Cory

What if I want a new job or a new house or a new car and I hate the present one and the new one just does not seem to show up no matter how hard I try? What if I could get in the vibration of appreciation by remembering how it felt on the first days of my new job and how excited I was to move into my wonderful home and how proud I was to drive my car? What if my higher vibration caused me to love where I am and what I have or effortlessly opened the door to something even better?

What if they served “just desserts” far better than I could?

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Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

By Lynne Cory

What if he stole from me and caused heartache and instead of chasing him and prosecuting him I allowed the Universe to even the score?

What if she gave to me and instead of giving right back to her, I said thank you and allowed the Universe to amazingly reward her generosity?

What if the Universe has a far greater imagination than I ever will?

What if I drive my own car?

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Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

By Lynne Cory

What if at really weak times in our lives (severe illness, extreme drug or alcohol use) entities can join us and share our energy, change our personalities, shift our habits and run our lives to their liking? What if we can ask them to remove themselves and return to their home? What if I am smoking because my entity loves the feeling?