What if I threw a big, loud tantrum?

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Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

By Lynne Cory

What if I have asked and asked for something but it has not been delivered and I am getting mad and tired of waiting for it to come?

What if this is similar to going to a restaurant and ordering sea bass but it never comes because the chef knows the fish that day is old and will not be good for me and she offers something else?

What if the Universe holds back on things not for my highest good but brings the perfect thing at the perfect time?



What if it was all preplanned?

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Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

By Lynne Cory

What if I see myself, before birth, sitting around an enormous oval table with over 100 people and as I glance around notice that I recognize everyone?

What if these are the people who will come into my next life and we are discussing what roles they will play (twenty-seven will love, nine will hurt, three will steal, eighty will assist, forty-three will encourage, nineteen will give a big hand-up, etc.)?

What if this lifetime is simply a play and I am the star just as your lifetime is a play and you are the star?

What if I gave all I had?

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Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

By Lynne Cory

What if I was helping someone who really needed my help and noticed that my energy was starting to fail?

What if I left their side briefly, quieted myself and took a few deep breaths and asked my guides and angels to help me increase my energy to that I could continue to help them during their time of need if this was for my highest good?

What if within a few moments, I noticed that I was back feeling great?

What if he accused you?

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Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

By Lynne Cory

What if a man I know noticed something important missing and he blamed many people for stealing it?

What if they searched for it and felt bad that they could not find it and that he felt that way about them?

What if he does not trust others and the Universe is showing him his emotions in a powerful way?

What if some statements are impossible to retract?

What if I want to help you?

By Lynne Cory

What if I spend each day inquiring about you and researching your medical conditions and spending hours on the phone with you and wearing myself out with the problems of you and the family and my co-workers and the neighbors?

What if I am only distracting myself from what is going in my life that I don’t want to face?

What if we go to Brazil?

By Lynne Cory

What if I go and see John of God, the amazing trans-healer who is allowing other brilliant entities and spirits to work through him with amazing medical results?

What if some of the people are not healed just as some of the people are not healed with our Western medicine?

What if living or dying is healing for various people?

What if I cried a tear for them?

By Lynne Cory

What if some of my friends are extremely talented in many areas yet they continue to act with little integrity – always trying to figure out how to get money out of others and once they have gotten it moving on, leaving a wide path of people feeling used?

What if they gave a little – without ties – and found that their life got much easier?

What if the waitress was very successful?

By Lynne Cory

What if true success is about how we travel on our journey and not how much stuff we amass at our destination? What if I crawl over you and push you aside and take all of the credit and get to the top of financial success and power? What if each day I am kind and encouraging and generous and never have more than I need to exist?

What if I showed you the wrong path?

By Lynne Cory

What if I watch my children and grandchildren giving their money and time and possessions to others “seemingly” less fortunate and not keeping enough for themselves to maintain their own independence?

What if I had modeled this way for years and often with undeserving people who took advantage of me?

What if I began to change and so did they?

What if it is not selfish to get my needs met by me first and then help others?