What if Joy is the purpose?

By Lynne Cory

What if this life on Earth is supposed to be fun and happy but we humans figure out ways to make it not so?  What if we do not need to work 80 hours a week to purchase a car or property that we will not have time to enjoy and ruin our health with the stress?  What if we are familiar with trouble and strife and ease and joy just seem lazy?

What if she was a bitch?

By Lynne Cory

What if I encountered a lady who was rude and hostile and I felt myself beginning to match her mood?  What if I caught myself and exited the situation and remembered that she was a teacher for me and because I did not sink to her level, I passed this little test?

What if I compassionately thought of her with a knowing that she has created a rough road on which to travel?  What if it is not up to me to change her?

What if it is all in my mind?

By Lynne Cory

What if my health is simply a reflection of my thoughts?  What if I feel my life is always hard and soon poor health follows?  Perhaps I am filled with anger or always act the victim.

What if I have the gift to appreciate even the smallest things in my life and it flows smoothly?  What if I feel I create my own experiences and that those who challenge me are great teachers?

Perhaps we have similar life experiences but how we handle them determines our future health.

What if I am just watching you?

By Lynne Cory

What if there is a difference between judging you and observing you?  What if when I see how you act, I get angry and frustrated and want to yell at you for being so stupid?  This is judging.  What if you are doing something outrageous and I merely observe you as I would an exotic white tailed zebra?  This is not judging.



What if that is not the way it is?

By Lynne Cory

What if everything I have been told about religion, finance and politics has been untrue? What if it is a much more tangled web than we know?  What if I knew of the greed, cruelty and unfairness that is used in creating those myths and I became angry and spiteful? What if I only need to focus on my life and how I live it?  What if peace is what I strive for?

What if it is all mine?

By Lynne Cory

What if life is like having a miners hat on my head and everything the light touched became mine?  What if everything I focus on really does become mine?  If I focus on health I get more.  If all I speak of is my illness, more will certainly come.  If I am jealous of your new possessions, none will come to me but if I can wish you well, I open the door to many treasures coming my way.  What if I am careful where I direct my light?

What if all braids are not in your hair?

By Lynne Cory

What if other earthbound souls can braid with our soul when we are going through times of extreme terror or illness?  What if this is different than a walk-in who takes over our body completely? What if these BRAIDS are here for our highest good to share our body while protecting us in our times of need?  What if, as we get older, we can release them so that they can continue on to help another soul in need?  What if we thank them for their service and appreciate all of their kindness and see them drifting away?  We then can fill ourselves with self-love, self-appreciation and self-confidence knowing that we can now move forward “under our own steam”.

What if the Universe can always deliver?

By Lynne Cory

What if I have the ability to dream it, the Universe has the ability to create it?  What if I am the only block in the creation of my desires?  What if I can see what am I am thinking by what is in my life both positive and negative?  What if that is the hardest work, thinking in a positive direction when I cannot yet see it?

What if it is ALL mine?

By Lynne Cory

What if all of the pleasant and unpleasant experiences that are happening in my life are created by me (often unconsciously) to further my soul growth?  What if I just took a few breaths and asked for clarity?  What am I to learn from this?  Could it be to slow down, to realize that everything is in Divine timing, or that what I want is being postponed so that something better can manifest? Maybe the rude ones are helping me to show more kindness?  Maybe an illness is showing me an emotion that needs healing?

What if I could not close the deal on the land?

By Lynne Cory

What if the land would not sell because 100s of years ago many Indians were surprised and then massacred at this site and their haunted souls still remain?  What if I blessed the land and asked for forgiveness for the cruelty they experienced and told them that we would love and care for their land?  What if this released them to the Light and my purchase went through?

What if I have a vacation home in the mountains?

By Lynne Cory

What if every spare moment, I rush to my special place in the desert or by the sea or high in the mountains and when I retire, I rush to live there permanently?  What if this place brings me comfort and peace but I do not know why?  What if my happiest past life was at a similar location and my soul memory finds comfort there?

What if she could not stop it?

By Lynne Cory

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What if during an hour wait, an intelligent lady sat down next to me and talked and talked and talked and whenever I started to interject a word she disagreed and talked on until I resigned myself to simply listening?  What if instead of judging her, I felt compassion as I sat quietly.  What if I did her a favor of sorting situations out in her life?  What if she gave me a big hug when I left?

What if I do not need a memory stick?

By Lynne Cory 

What if my new way of communicating has 100 trillion-gadzillion gigs of memory which will last for 10000 years and never needs to be replaced?  What if this is possible today but having us buy all of the little adapters and plugs and storage gizzies and updates and the latest shapes and colors and styles brings in a LOT of money for the big companies?

What if she did it anyway?

By Lynne Cory

What if I went to a family gathering and specifically told a lady that I did not want photos posted on Facebook because of personal reasons?  What if I shared them with her at her request and then woke up to find she had posted them anyway?  What if I kindly asked her to unpost but after a few hours see they are still there?  What if she is showing me I have control issues?  What if she is just a jerk who will not be invited back?  What if I just observe and let the situation play out?  What if I worked on raising my vibration and then the photos vanished?  What if this is all about me?  What if her husband did the posting?


What if I have a new doctor?

By Lynne Cory

What if in the near future, I can hold my phone to any part of my body and what is wrong will show up on the screen?  What if in a short moment, the cure will next be shown?  What if my phone is connected to a large, full service store and that afternoon the proper food, medications and herbs and oils will arrive?  What if my job is now to use them?

What if she had a big garage sale?

By Lynne Cory

What if in decades past, we spent lots of money and time accumulating vast amounts of treasures and places to house these treasures and they began to take us over?  Perhaps because of earlier poverty or ego.  What if many enlightened people are now in the process of de-manifesting and finding it a tiresome job as well? What if less is becoming more?

What if I only want to carry my basket ?

By Lynne Cory

Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if I found that I was terrified and asked if it was my terror and found that it was not? What if I am carrying the emotion of others and it was affecting me in a negative way? What if I thanked this terror for showing itself, saw a magnetic hooded robe over my body that absorbed all of this terror and once it was all gathered, imagined a hook coming down from the Universe and lifting the cloak of fear away?  Then I might fill myself with light, love and compassion and continue on with my amazing life.

What if I demand the hamburger before it is fully cooked?

By Lynne Cory

Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if the cook knows just how long it takes to create the perfect meal and if I become impatient and demand it be served before it is ready, I will not get the best meal and may even make myself sick?  What if the Universe know just when to deliver my desire and if I try to rush the process, I will probably be unhappy with the results? What if I become patient?