By Lynne Cory
What if I gave you some great advice but you did not ask for it? What if I gave you something expensive for your home but it was not your taste? What if I thought you needed this but I was not paying attention?
By Lynne Cory
What if I gave you some great advice but you did not ask for it? What if I gave you something expensive for your home but it was not your taste? What if I thought you needed this but I was not paying attention?
By Lynne Cory
What if I am wanting more love in my life, it is necessary for me to be more loving to myself first? What if others treat me like I treat myself?
By Lynne Cory
What if not all jobs are good jobs and not all money is good money and not all opportunities are good opportunities and not all friends are good friends? What if my intuition will always lead me in the right direction?
By Lynne Cory
What if at the take-out counter, my young grandson ordered his favorite slice of pepperoni pizza while his parents got the one with all of the vegetables. What if on the way home, he saw a homeless man and got out of the car and gave him his warm pizza? What if this was the best tasting meal this man has had in a long time because it was filled with love? For Max
By Lynne Cory
What if everyone deserves to end their lives as they choose? What if the hardest part of your suicide choice is the shock that the innocent people suffer when they find your body-the family, your child or parent, the neighbor, the police or Coast Guard? What if there was an alternative?
By Lynne Cory
What if we can return to Earth as many times as we choose always learning and growing. Our soul never dies. What if we can return through infinity and beyond?
By Lynne Cory
What if the farm owner treated his employees so cruelly that one died in the hot sun? What if he got a huge fine but was “smugly” able to appeal his way out of court because he “knew” people? What if he is smiling because he got away with it? What if there is someone “LARGER” watching over this whole situation?
By Lynne Cory
What if I can stay alone at home and never learn from or judge another? What if I learn more about myself when I am out in the world brushing against the energies of others who are mirroring where I need improvement?
By Lynne Cory
What if our planet is a large “ant farm” for another universe and they are watching us hustle and bustle with our little lives?
By Lynne Cory
What if we realize that many of the wars we are fighting have the same people backing both sides because they know that war is a big money maker as well as a huge distraction for whatever else they are doing? What if the people “in the trenches” are dying because they are not told the truth?
By Lynne Cory
What if the way I control others is by finding a way they need me?
By Lynne Cory
What if I don’t even know you but I gave you a compliment on your pretty blouse or ability to speak with strangers or knowledge of the subject we are studying or great cooking ability? What if this makes us both smile for the rest of the day?
By Lynne Cory
What if his father continually criticizes him about everything he does until it almost drives him mad? What if he criticizes his girlfriend about her job search, her car choice, her political views and her clothing choice until she wants to run for the door?
What if he began to see the positive traits and loving heart of his girlfriend and soon his father began to see all of the good qualities that he had?
By Lynne Cory
What if for years, mankind has been destroying and polluting our planet. What if little groups of people all over the planet are beginning to band together to assist Earth in reverting to her former glory? What if they are raising the vibration for the greater good of mankind? What if the percentage of these small bright lights soon outnumbers the destroyers? What if each day life improves?
By Lynne Cory
What if humans are reverting to stone-age times? What if we are as fearful of what is going on in the world news as our ancestors were of dinosaurs and starvation? What if I am trying to get what I need before you get what you need? What if fear is fear?
By Lynne Cory
What if we have control issues because it makes us feels safe? What if I get angry at you for doing it your way because my sense of control is threatened? What if it is OK to guide another or advise when they ask but when anger comes up, I notice that I am deep in my issue? What if I can tell if I have released this issue when I can allow everyone their own choices?
By Lynne Cory
What if we cannot see them, the same as we cannot see electricity or hear a high pitched dog whistle? What if they are just a few dimensions different and are leading full and exciting lives?
By Lynne Cory
What if all of the multiverse was created to support life and allow it to grow and prosper and learn and expand? What if we can barely understand what is going on upon our own planet and cannot be expected to know about the vastness of space?
By Lynne Cory
What if I went to a healer and requested that my leg be healed and was disappointed that it was not good as new when I left? What if the healer helped me to heal my emotional fear of moving forward or helped me to take a stand? What if healing can also mean peace of mind or lessening of anger, fear or control or emotional uniting with loved ones? What if healing the emotional illness cures the physical illness?
By Lynne Cory
What if I tapped into all of my many skills and talents and stood up and let others see me shine brightly? What if my shining lit the way for many to stand up and turn on their lights? What if it is OK to beat my own drum?
By Lynne Cory
What if getting older doesn’t always mean getting kinder? What if some older people are bitter, nasty and mean? What if they have never had the opportunity for spiritual growth and have never taken the responsibility for their situations and continue to be a victim? What if they are doing the best they can with the knowledge they have amassed?
By Lynne Cory
What if I see an animal or a person being abused by another and ignore the situation and go on with my busy day? What if Karma will knock on my door when someone is abusing me and others just walk on by? What if I do not need to get in your business but I do need to help my brothers and sisters in need?
By Lynne Cory
What if I am giving some of my energy to you and you and you and there is very little left for me? What if I brought all of my pieces back and cut the cords connecting me to everyone I encounter and think about? What if I instantly felt better? What if I mistakenly thought that you could not do it without me?
By Lynne Cory
What if I am working harder than everyone else because I am the only one who can do it right? What if I am fooling myself and not giving any one else a chance to shine? What if I am hogging all of the limelight because I need acknowledgment so badly? What if my health will soon begin to suffer?
By Lynne Cory
What if as long as “I” have trust issues, people I cannot trust will be brought into my life? What if once I see the issue is mine, all mine, the issue will dissolve and trustworthy people will appear? What if others present what I am to see about myself?
By Lynne Cory
What if it is my choice which time period I choose to reincarnate into in my next life? What if my choices are on a big menu? What if I choose to be on a space platform in the year 3203? What if I want to live in a cave with a clan in the year 713 BC? What if I choose the time for my highest growth? What if my same old familiar “cluster of souls” will show up whenever I choose?
By Lynne Cory
What if I think I am going crazy because my belongings appear, disappear and then appear again? What if these are the actions of my deceased loved ones acting like pranksters to let me know they are around and watching over me? What if I am missing many of the little signs they are sending? for Connie and Ray
By Lynne Cory
What if I am watching two of my friends act very passive-aggressive? What if their behavior would not be presented to me nor would I notice it if I were not a bit passive-aggressive? What if everyone I am judging is showing me something about myself?
By Lynne Cory
What if I found myself becoming jealous of you and your great life? What if everyone has their turn at this basic human emotion? What if I needed to experience this so I can learn and grow? What if the next time, I wished you well from my heart?
By Lynne Cory
What if we created a WORLD flag? What if this united us with “PLANET PRIDE”?
By Lynne Cory
What if there is a belief that my beloved dog who passes will help me find my new dog at just the perfect time? Paul