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By Lynne Cory
What if I am thankful to all those who said NO to me? It’s because of them I did it myself. Albert Einstein
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By Lynne Cory
What if I am thankful to all those who said NO to me? It’s because of them I did it myself. Albert Einstein
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if I was repaid in another way?
What if my kindness and good deeds were repaid with fabulous blood test reports of good health?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if I surrender my life to the Universe and allow it to unfold? What if I accept that everything is in Divine Order for my highest learning and growth and know that heaven and earth have been moved to get me to this exact place in time? What if my stress reduces and my health increases and my joy level rises?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if I eliminate the “time thieves” in my life, those who only talk about themselves or those who have the same situation year after year or those who wallow in their victimhood and choose not to change?
What if I was using their negativities as a distraction for living my life?
What if once my decision is made they all begin to vanish like a puff of smoke?
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By Lynne Cory
What if I am not responsible for your outcome?
What if you are not responsible for mine?
By Lynne Cory
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What if I am not really living on the planet but hovering timidly on the surface?
What if I speak very softly, eat very meagerly, breathe very shallowly, take up minimal space, never waste a thing, do everything by the rules and keep small always using way less than my share?
What if one day I stood tall and asked for something “I” wanted and it felt good to take back a little of my power?
What if this was a beginning for me?
By Lynne Cory
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What if there is an entire civilization inside Middle Earth?
By Lynne Cory
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What if today I saw only the probability of a positive outcome in all situations?
What if the more energy put in that direction, the more it can decrease the negative probabilities energetically? Veronica
By Lynne Cory
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What if the “Devil” is a fictional character made up (and perpetuated) by insecure humans who want to control other insecure humans?
What if there is a lot of power in fear? Abraham-Hicks
By Lynne Cory
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What if many of my friends are losing their spouses to death and I feel sad that I am wasting precious time not spending every minute with my husband sitting around and doting on each other?
What if he is happy working 7 days a week and I am happy traveling by myself a few times a year and then working and living with him?
What if we are supposed to experience our independence and our relationship is perfect?
By Lynne Cory
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What if my guides and teachers are continually sending me subtle and sometimes blatant messages to assist me on my path and make my life easier and more fun and understandable?
What if I am missing 98% of these messages but they keep coming during the day and through dreams at night?
What if I slowed down, took a breath, became more observant, listened more, talked less and the messages began to become clearer?
By Lynne Cory
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What if I have been noticing dead raccoons as I am driving?
What if my noticing this “repeatedly” means there must be a message for me?
What if I asked for the meaning and got “pay attention” to my actions and my thoughts?
What if we are all missing messages each day and through meditation could find more answers?
By Lynne Cory
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What if she always asks for the biggest discount, a better price, more money off of the sale price and asks, “Can’t you throw that in for free?” and even gets loud for a better deal?
What if she gets annoyed when others ask her for a discount on her products?
What if when she starts paying a fair price so others can live, a fair price will be paid to her?
What if she starts to “get” the concept that we get what we give?
By Lynne Cory
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What if life is supposed to be easy and I am missing the signs showing me the way to Easy Street?
What if I start paying better attention to the signs around me instead of stressing over how hard this is to do?
By Lynne Cory
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What if what we are aware of that is going on in our life is only the tip of the iceberg?
What if there are syncronicities and messages and lessons and invisible guidance happening constantly around us to propel us forward but we are only aware of 7% of it?
By Lynne Cory
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What if with me you get what you see? What if because I am almost always the same it is difficult for me to see you smile and be friendly and then lie and cheat and steal from me? What if you speak a language that I don’t want to learn – the two face?
By Lynne Cory
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What if all of life boils down to two things: FEAR and LOVE?
By Lynne Cory
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What if I have life situations that need attention but I spend my days focusing on you and I don’t improve?
What if America has many problems and we focus on what is wrong in other countries to distract us from our faults and we don’t improve?
By Lynne Cory
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What if all of us have times of our 24 hour day when we feel most alert? What if we got jobs that coincided with these time periods and stopped trying to fit a night person into a day job and vice versa? What if our bosses let us choose?
By Lynne Cory
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What if something (new job, raise, lover) I have asked for has not yet appeared? What if doubt and fear start floating in and I get nervous? What if I “know” it will arrive at the perfect time for me? What if I keep the faith and it shows up?
By Lynne Cory
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What if in our monster movies, they don’t look or act like us so it is OK to kill them? What if when other universes come here to visit, should they be scared to meet us?
By Lynne Cory
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What if my handwriting shows a piece of my soul up to this minute? What if it tells whether I am an introvert or an extrovert and much more? What if I knew that by changing my handwriting, I could change my life? Cynthia Varkevisser
By Lynne Cory
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What if I work with two people and one always gripes about the other?
What if I am focusing on how to fix this and because I am focusing on their dissention, they show me more of it?
What if I begin focusing on the 95% of the time where they work in harmony?
By Lynne Cory
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What if there are NO unimportant jobs?
What if as long as we are serving the people of the Earth, ALL jobs are important?
What if we take pride and do to the best of our ability the job we have today?
By Lynne Cory
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What if, as humans on the planet, we need to keep wanting or we will die?
What if you want “more of more”: a fancy car, more money, an amazing home or homes, more travel or education or possessions or friends or a fast promotion?
What if I want “more of less”: a quiet life, a smaller home, a fuel-efficient car, emptier closets and drawers, a simple life with fewer possessions, being a helping hand to others and the enjoyment of a few good loving friends?
By Lynne Cory
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What if I do not have to know “everything” there is to know about a subject to be able to teach? What if my “humble” knowledge, when shared, can greatly help another?
By Lynne Cory
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What if what was terrifying and repulsive years ago is amusing today? What if I showed my grandson the original Creature from the Black Lagoon movie that frightened me but it only bored him? What if the world situation on TV and news has made us passé?
By Lynne Cory
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What if more and more people are turning off their TVs as the shows seem to have little positive content and when they are good there is 35 minutes of show and 25 minutes of advertising for every hour? What if TV could fade away if it doesn’t keep up?
By Lynne Cory
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What if it is for our highest good to bless any meat or fish or poultry before we eat it because the animal is carrying the fear of death (that we all have when we know we are being killed)?
What if we thanked this animal for sacrificing its life so that we may be nourished?
By Lynne Cory
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What if I am always busy going here and rushing there and filling every waking moment with work and sports and hobbies and meetings and charities and classes?
What if I am actually running away from myself?
What if I stopped and took a breath and found that I am actually quite a nice person and if I slowed down, just a bit, I could find my inner wisdom?
By Lynne Cory
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What if some people struggle all of their lives because that is how it has always been?
What if, over and over, they make decisions that will cause them problems – not paying parking tickets that then multiply in price, not filing their taxes when they owe nothing but not doing this adds stress, not paying their gardeners or housekeepers on time but still wanting timely service, borrowing money from friends and not repaying it while living in a wonderful home with a new car?
What if all I can do is to see them learning these lessons that they have chosen and hope that they “get it” before the lessons become too hard and they lose everything?
What if they are perfect and these life experiences are for their learning and growth?