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by Lynne Cory
What if it is OK to have everything I want but over the years I have amassed a lot? What if I have six houses but rarely have time to enjoy any of them and just write checks each month to the gardeners, pool people and housekeepers? What if I have so many antiques that my home looks like a store and the dusting job is overwhelming? What if I have so many shoes that I can never find the ones I want to wear? What if I have such a great quantity of food that it is just rotting in my cabinets and garage before I can use it? What if I have 12 cars and the batteries are wearing down because I do not have time to drive them all? What if I have too much money and now my time is filled with accountants and checking statements but I worry that someone will steal it so I bury myself in the paperwork? What if I love animals but now my home is overrun with too many and I do not have the time to give them the care or attention they deserve? What if I amass so many friends but do not have enough time to enjoy any of them?
What if I begin to simplify my life and get a little more balance and instead of accumulating more, find joy in de-cumulating a little each day and watch as life just gets better and better?