What if they treated me like crap?

By Lynne Cory

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Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if you had a terrible childhood but it made you the strong, amazing person you are today?  What if the people involved never said they were sorry or even acknowledged the pain they caused you?

What if you practice forgiveness of them because it ties you together in a negative way?

What if you thank them for the lessons and the opportunities for learning and get on with your beautiful life?                                       

What if I’d “better” get up with a smile?

By Lynne Cory

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Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if how we rise in the morning is how we create our day because one thought piggy backs on the next thought and the thoughts are what create our experience?

What if I find myself thinking mean, angry thoughts and stop myself before I reach the edge of disappointment and begin slowly “turning the ship” to the positive course by finding little things to appreciate and then I am soon sailing ahead in the happy waters of success?

What if he blew his horn loudly?


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By Lynne Cory

What if I met an old acquaintance, who had been a pretty good healer, and during our half hour one-sided conversation he bragged over and over about his important skills and all of the money he had?

What if he needed acknowledgment so badly but never took a breath for me to say a kind word back to him?

What if people ran from his monologues?

What if he gave me the gift of how beautiful humility is and how the quiet allows one person to compliment another person?    For Jim

What if I only want to fall off of the bridge once?

By Lynne Cory

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Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if in each one of our many past lives we have ended them in a different way to learn about various death experiences?

What if I have fallen down a steep ravine, been slowly poisoned, been shot by 16 arrows, had a bear kill me, been in a fatal car crash and jumped off of a cliff?

What if it would be a waste of my time to die in the same way twice?

What if you can’t see yourself?

By Lynne Cory

15563283_sWhat if I was listening to an angry person all red-faced and screaming, describing another person who they felt was angry a lot of the time? Are they not similar?

What if through the whole tirade I listened quietly and agreed with their thoughts and was proud of myself because maybe all of my old anger is drifting away?

What if I am taking my college final?

By Lynne Cory

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Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if as we get closer to the end of the year, our year’s lessons reappear, sometimes in a tougher form, enabling us to validate whether we have grown and learned?

What if my lesson is anger and many angry people appear on my path but I bless them and walk on?  What if, this year, I am learning judgment or frustration or boundaries?

What if your mom was a mean heroin addict?

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Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

By Lynne Cory

What if your parents were the worst parents in the world and you copied them and went down their path of hardship, struggle, poor health, pain and misery?

What if because of how you watched their experience, you went in the opposite direction and became an amazing parent and your children grew and flourished?

What if there is not a right way or a wrong way to live our lives and each way is the way we need to experience this lifetime for our highest growth?

What if I saw Babe Ruth?

By Lynne Cory

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Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if I was in meditation and asked for a spiritual guide to come forward into my inner vision and the guide came in as a wise man in flowing purple robes or a fuzzy polar bear or a man in an old baseball uniform or an angel in a gossamer gown or a stately Indian Chief or Winnie the Pooh?

What if I am the one creating how they look and they appeared in a way that I needed them to be?

What if I need to watch the water level?

By Lynne Cory

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Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

What if giving love or time or things without receiving is like having a big pot of water? What if I only pour out the water and share it and never replace any, and soon I will have nothing to give and will be a useless pot to everyone including myself?

What if  the balance of giving and receiving is vital to survival?