By Lynne Cory
What if we created a WORLD flag? What if this united us with “PLANET PRIDE”?
By Lynne Cory
What if we created a WORLD flag? What if this united us with “PLANET PRIDE”?
By Lynne Cory
What if there is a belief that my beloved dog who passes will help me find my new dog at just the perfect time? Paul
By Lynne Cory
What if parents who give all of their love and attention to their children and little to their spouses find themselves in a big void when the children leave home? What if these needy parents impede their children’s growth by begging them to stay at home so the patents will not be lonely?
By Lynne Cory
What if humans are the most vulnerable beings in our universe-yet we are so fearful of vulnerability lest we be rebuffed or embarrassed? What if intimacy frightens us? What if when I show my heart to you-you can show your heart to me? What if we shared our fears and dreams?
By Lynne Cory
What if I am perplexed by a situation that I cannot get a grip on and ask for the answer to come in a dream? What if I sleep and allow the other side to assist me? What if this gives me an “aha” moment?
By Lynne Cory
What if everything that happens in my life takes me to a better place? What if sometimes this takes time to see? What if everything makes me stronger and wiser?
By Lynne Cory
What if we want to keep our fear alive because it is all we know and it feels familiar and oddly comfortable?
By Lynne Cory
What if lazy, inept people keep appearing in my life? What if there is a pattern of angry and demanding ones over there? What if everyone I meet is depressed? What if my friends are gossipy? What if my lessons are in front of me because there is something for me to see about myself?
By Lynne Cory
What if I felt that stealing just a little stationery, pens, stamps and envelopes from my workplace was really not stealing because they have so much of them? What if stealing is stealing and I am setting up Karma because someone (my soul) is watching my actions? What if I ramped up my “integrity meter”?
By Lynne Cory
What if a sociopath is merely a person who has veered away from their soul and cannot find their way back in this lifetime? What if their sad life is all about them and their wants and needs and they never feel the joys of compassion or giving? What if sociopaths cannot accept help to find their way because they do not know there is anything wrong with their lifestyle?
By Lynne Cory
What if all of our great teachers are coming from a magical universe where there is only love and peace? What if it is difficult for them to be here?
By Lynne Cory
What if it is our choice to come into our present life “baggage free” or we can choose to bring the old past-life suitcase with us? What if once we relive and let the experience go, it is done but we are the ones who choose to hang onto it as we would the comfort of an old, ragged coat? What if it is our choice to relive, over and over, the rejection, abandonment, struggle, neglect, lack of acknowledgment or abuse that we suffered in a previous lifetime because it feels familiar? What if we release the past for a pleasant NOW?
By Lynne Cory
What if I am wearing old clothes that I have spent a lot of money on and feel I need to still wear them to get my moneys worth? What if they are draining my energy and I eat more to keep from falling asleep? What if I cleaned out my closet and let someone else enjoy them?
By Lynne Cory
What if I have been “Struggling” for so long that it has become my middle name? What if when ease comes, it feels unfamiliar and uncomfortable? What if I am used to struggling and push away effortlessness?
By Lynne Cory
What if it is more comfortable for me to be with other people than to be all alone with myself? What if I am afraid to have a relationship with myself? What if I started to give to myself all of the love and attention and joy that I bring to others? What if I introduced myself to myself?
By Lynne Cory
What if I find myself still judging others? Why don’t you wash your car, paint your fence, cut your hair, be on time, smile? What if I find I have more work to do on myself?
By Lynne Cory
What if I become like those with whom I hang around? What if you are jealous, lazy, shiftless, a taker and not too honest and soon I begin drifting in your direction? What if you are good-hearted, motivated, successful and busy and I find myself growing more like you? What if I can forecast my future by looking at the people with whom I associate today?
By Lynne Cory
What if our tour guide thought he got one over on us by adding all sorts of fees and charges after we had already paid him in full and were in his country waiting for our tour to begin? What if our travel agent was able to keep a big smile as she guided her many clients to another tour guide from then on?
By Lynne Cory
What if my every thought brings me more? If I think negatively about you, something negative will be drawn to me? If I see your positive traits, more positive things will come to me?
By Lynne Cory
What if judging myself is as bad as judging you? What if what I focus on, I will get more of-my thin hair or my thick waist or my lovely demeanor or my great hearing and friendly smile?
By Lynne Cory
What if at a hotel in Colombia, I found that the shower water was cold and appreciated how fortunate I am because most of the people did not even have water in their home?
By Lynne Cory
What if in this dimension, we are immediately shown our Karma-good and not so good?
What if we are also given bleeps of future information, no addictions, radiant health, a Divine connection, feeling others hearts with empathy, little use for material things, a goal of helping others, ability to speak with animals and plants, a youthful demeanor, peacefulness, a goal of helping others, a great appreciation of life, recognition of our true intentions and living in the moment?
By Lynne Cory
What if he has more money or power than most of those around him and feels he has more value than the rest? What if it is about how he uses his gifts? What if we all have equal value and we all have gifts to share?
By Lynne Cory
What if some of us cannot leave after we die because we are bound to our material possessions, our powerful place in life or our loved ones and so we hang around long after-hovering?
By Lynne Cory
What if I thought that I was sharing intimately with you but I was really bragging about my life or whining about others or advising someone who had not asked for my advice? What if sharing was a heartfelt equal give and take?
By Lynne Cory
What if the universe has set up all of the situations I encounter for my lessons and growth? What if they bring in kind people and mean people and sweet people and rude people and it is up to me as to how I react to the situation? What if I get many chances to succeed? What if once I recognize the lesson, I have passed the test?
By Lynne Cory
What if a person is creating a function because they desire recognition? What if their function goes amazingly well and makes them a lot of money? What if their ego gets in the way and the next time they try this the universe slams them? What if they give credit to others as well as themselves and with humbleness go on to repeat this great success? What if the whole thing is a lesson?
By Lynne Cory
What if I will have to feel how my animals felt if I ever mistreated them before my Karma is cleared? What if in my next lifetime, I wonder why this is happening to me?
By Lynne Cory
What if there is no death? What if when we release from here, we merely slip through a portal into another dimension? What if we can still observe what is going on from that place?
By Lynne Cory
What if three housekeepers worked at the same hotel and did the same job and one got few tips, one got average tips and one got “over the top” tips? What if one had a victim mentality and thought nothing good ever happens to me and she was right? What if the other just did her job and took what came? What if the third one loved life and all of the gifts and adventures it brought?
By Lynne Cory
What if I stopped thinking and saying “I can’t” go there because it is too far, do that because it is too hard, buy that because I should save my money, try that because I might fail, achieve that because of my age or have that because others will talk about me?