By Lynne Cory

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What if gratitude is appreciation of what has already happened?
What if appreciation opens the doors for more to come?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if gratitude is appreciation of what has already happened?
What if appreciation opens the doors for more to come?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if everything I focus on gets bigger? If I am noticing how miserable things are, it won’t be long before they get even worse. If I am noticing how fortunate I am, it won’t be long before even more gifts and happiness come my way.
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if you will recognize your own path when you come upon it because you will suddenly have all of the energy and imagination you will ever need?
The Optimism Revolution/Facebook
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if everything has equal value – dark and light, mean and kind, cruel and compassionate, Hitler and Mother Teresa? What if we need one to see the other?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if negative people lower my vibration if I am around them for very long? What if I love you and am not judging you but find that for my highest good I must move on? What if I can tell that I am complete in learning from you when I can lovingly see the next step?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if life is like driving a car? What if I do not look back unless that is the way I want to go?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if I was watching a documentary on my TV about how TVs were made in Mexico? What if it showed how three of the popular TV makers took their businesses to Mexico and grossly underpaid the workers there and poured many of their toxic chemicals into the water making the people ill and then left a mess that no one could afford to clean up and then, like a herd of locusts, flew off to Indonesia to abuse the people there?
What if this is right on the border near San Diego and the chemicals start oozing into the land and air of this country? What if the TV makers have big homes there and their families fall ill?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if I focus on and speak of the mistakes I see you making? What if because I am focused on you making mistakes, you make more? What if the Universe only hears mistakes and now I am in that vibration and I am having a hard time? What if I shifted and focused on your successes?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if organic foods are just trying to help keep us healthy without the interference of people and their big companies who make them unhealthy?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if I do not want to give up my addictions (shopping, drinking, gambling, the computer, drugs, working, exercising, gossiping, smoking) because they are so comfortable and familiar and I am afraid of what it will feel like to be without them?
What if I tried for just one day to explore? What if I learned something about myself?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if how I feel about myself is how I will age? What if I hate my nose, my eyes, my teeth, my wrinkles, my thick waist and because I think badly of them, they do not function as well as they could?
What if I love my strong heart and my shiny hair and my friendly smile and my great mind with its eagerness for learning and the vitality of my body and because of this appreciation, my body rarely lets me down?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if “nothing” on this planet is mine and I am only borrowing them while I am here? What if everything I own will get recycled when I die?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die? Buddha
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if as I reach a higher vibration, through spiritual growth, my problems and their solutions come almost simultaneously and I have no time to worry?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if I and everyone around me can tell how I am thinking by what I am creating?
What if nothing is going right in my day and angry people are in my face and the rest of them are all stupid and I get a flat tire and my gas is low? Can I be having a happy mind or am I thinking dark thoughts?
What if everyone I encounter has an upbeat happy smile and life is flowing effortlessly? Are not they a mirror of my inner joyfilled thoughts?
What if either way, glad or mad, is perfect as we are all humans but joy is easier?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if my body is screaming for change but I just turn the radio volume up and keep going?
What if my feet are hurting but I decide to go on my daily 2 mile hike, my head is splitting but I choose to sit at my computer for another 3 hours, I am so exhausted but I drink 2 energy drinks instead of resting, my stomach burns but I still eat a chili dog with a Tums?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if my attic is full of cobwebs and clutter from ages ago? Is my mind clogged with old, foggy, draining thoughts?
What if my basement is unkempt, is there still some old history to clean up? If my bathroom sink drips, do I still have crying to do? If I am angry at my neighbors what is the message? Inner frustration?
What if I just sat for awhile and heard my home speak?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if this quote was worth repeating: “Just because I have a limitation doesn’t have to keep me from my destination”? Joel Osteen
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if I have one friend who shares 150% and another who shares 3%?
What if the 3%er is exhausting to speak with because I have to do all of the communication work and the 150%er seems to be only thinking of herself?
What if one I can talk to and one I can listen to but I want a balanced friendship?
What if they are teaching me something?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if I saw a person speeding along the freeway cutting in and out and almost causing accidents?
What if they are just a jerk putting others in danger?
What if she just got a call that her son had been in an accident and was rushing to his side or he was bleeding and trying to get to medical attention?
What if we pulled back and gave them space and sent a blessing for whatever their situation is and minded our own business?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if the people taking care of a dying person are often as scared as the patient? What if there is a fear of the unknown in both cases? What if we could believe that everything is in Divine Order and the person will pass at their perfect time and all is well?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if it is perfectly fine to stop expecting so much of myself with the endless to-do lists, the achieving and completing and obtaining? What if I just WAS today and allowed myself to BE?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if having the awareness that everyone and everything is perfect puts me in a perfect vibration? What if you are the most perfect mad person, happy person, naggy person, loving person, complaining person, uplifting person, mean person, depressed person, addicted person, cranky person, talented person that you could be?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if my thoughts are like the clouds, constantly shifting and changing shape? What if I just relax and allow the thoughts to come and go and observe them as they pass through my mind?
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
By Lynne Cory
What if a kind-hearted friend of mine, who has her home filled with animals that she fosters and finds homes for, has recently lost her son, his pregnant wife and her two grandchildren in a violent auto accident?
What if she must be an extremely special soul to have these very special tests? for Donna Borden
By Lynne Cory
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What if a smile is the universal communication?
What if everyone on the planet can feel the pleasant energy of someone with a smile on their face?
What if no words need be spoken to communicate with others that I am happy to be in your presence?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if I had a large ranch with three beautiful ponds and I loved to watch the 100s of geese land there on their seasonal migration and knew they were safe on my land?
What if I heard gunshots and when I went to explore, found nine hunters encroaching on my land and killing the geese?
What if I wanted to run and get a gun and shoot them, am I then not the same, a hunter hunting hunters?
What if they scurried away once they saw me?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if I allowed the voices and opinions of others to shape my life? What if those words were holding me back from being the real me? What if I “hit the delete button” and did what I wanted?
Joel Osteen
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if there is enough of everything on our planet for everyone and we don’t need to hoard?
What if there is enough health and money and food and jobs and cars and fun and water and love and joy for all of us and all we have to do is allow ourselves the having?
What if we know that there is enough air for all of us and it is but one step further to believe there is enough of everything else?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if on the news today there was a story about two teenagers who killed their grandmother? What if the news forgot to mention the 3 billion teenagers who loved their grandmother?
By Lynne Cory
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
What if I am sitting to the right of a person who is ill or angry or tired or depressed and their energy is low and soon I find my energy starting to sink?
What if I receive from the person on my left and give to the person on my right so I must pay attention where I choose to sit?