What if it is just a habit?

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By Lynne Cory

What if all of this drama and trauma and turmoil and stress in our life is just a habit that has been repeated over and over for years until it has become our dominant way of living?

What if I have been focusing on the past and what went wrong with my parents and my siblings and my jobs and my husbands and my health and my neighbors and the government and my finances and how awful it was and now, subconsciously I can hardly wait until something goes wrong again so I will have something to share and commiserate about with my family and friends? And, because I am focused on things going wrong, what if I am never disappointed?

What if I gently shift from drama to peace by thinking and telling fun stories instead of tragic ones? What if I focused more on what is right in my life than on what is wrong? What if I gave everyone the gift of a happy ME?

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